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Jisung is still hanging out at the rooftop, looking at the beautiful morning sky, while thinking his encounter with the boy

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Jisung is still hanging out at the rooftop, looking at the beautiful morning sky, while thinking his encounter with the boy. He seriously regretted that he didn't get his name. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang.

He whips out his phone and answered the call immediately. "Hello?" he asked. "Jisung!" Jaemin screeched at the other line, which made Jisung pushes his phone away. "What now, hyung?" he whined. "Almost all of the shareholders are already here! Your father is also here! Where are you?!"

"Chill out, hyung.. I'm coming down.." he smiled, before hanging up the call. But deep inside, he's still nervous. "You can do this, Park Jisung.. You were born for this.. Focus on 'what is'.. Instead of 'what ifs'.." He took a deep breath and starts walking, leaving the rooftop.

Meanwhile, Chenle was too focused on his phone, since he remembered what his aunt had told him about the new president of the company that he applied for. He starts to google about the new president and wants a short glimpse of his face.

He was about to press the 'enter' key on the screen of his phone when he realized that he was at the unfamiliar part of the building. He scratches his head before locking his phone and decided to google it later.

"Where am I?" he asked himself. The floor that he was in right now are a little bit classy and sophisticated, unlike the floor where had his interview. He looks around, looking for a staff or receptionist so he can ask some directions.

He walked around for a little bit more until he had reached a very big conference room, surrounded with tall, wall glass. He can see that there are many people inside, seated at a big round table, and all are facing at the front.

He diverts his gaze on where they are all looking and saw a familiar face, standing in front of them.

Meanwhile, Jisung is now standing in front of the shareholders and directors, feeling nervous as he didn't know how to start his report. He had rehearsed it the whole night and yet, nervousness starts to surround him.

"You can now start your presentation, Mr. Park.." one of the shareholders said. Jisung starts to panic internally, his mind went blank, forgetting all he rehearsed. His eyes starts to wander around, until he saw someone who was looking at him through the glass wall.

It was him, the angelic presence that he had met at the rooftop is now staring at him.

Chenle can tell that Jisung was very nervous and anxious at that time, so he did what he needed to do. He starts to signal him to breathe in and breathe out slowly, making Jisung feeling relaxed.

Then, he smiles at him comfortingly and mouths "You can do it! Fighting!" which made Jisung smiled as well.

Inside the conference room, Jisung followed every instruction Chenle is telling him to do. After taking a deep breath, he starts his presentation flawlessly and effortless. He presented the plans really well, making the shareholders smile.

Outside, Chenle was very happy to see that the boy he had met at the rooftop overcomes his nervousness and presented his plans. "Mr. Zhong! What are you doing here?" Chenle looked back and saw Jaehyun walking towards him.

"Mr. Jaehyun! Thank goodness, you're here! I went to the rooftop and couldn't figure out the way back to the interview room.." he smiled sheepishly, making the man laugh. "Aigoo.. Good thing I found you.. Let's go now, I have finished interviewing all of you and we'll know proceed to the next part.." he explained.

Coming back to the interview area again, Jaehyun had gave them some written exams, which they had finished after an hour. "You can now take your lunch first.. And after that, we will announce the results, okay?"

The three girls immediately went to the cafeteria company, while Chenle excuses himself to go outside. He goes to the garden area of the company grounds and took a seat there, pulling out the tuna kimbap that her aunt prepared.

"Thanks for the food!" He opens the lid of the container and was about to grab a sliced piece of the kimbap when a old woman suddenly appeared, begging for food.

"Can you spare some of your food? I haven't eaten anything since morning.." the old woman pleads.

He didn't hesitate and offers the food to the woman. "You can have it, granny.." he smiled. "This is too much! Maybe we can share?" the old woman smiled. Chenle agreed and they ate the kimbap together happily.

With his little money, he even bought some tea at the vending machine for both of them. The old woman was very thankful to him.

He didn't know that someone is watching him closely. "I certainly made the right choice.." Jaehyun smiled, while looking behind the trees.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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