🐭 17 🐬

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"What took you so long?" Mark raised his eyebrow, watching Jisung entering the car through the back seat, while Chenle settles on the front seat

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"What took you so long?" Mark raised his eyebrow, watching Jisung entering the car through the back seat, while Chenle settles on the front seat. After closing the door, he smiled at the older. "Sorry, hyung.. He ate breakfast, that's why.."

"Oh.. Okay.." he starts the engine, before looking to Chenle again with a surprised reaction. "Wait.. You made him eat breakfast?" he asked. Chenle giggles and nods proudly. "Yes.. I made him eat breakfast.."

Mark really couldn't believed what he heard. "Wow.. Chenle.. That was amazing.." Then he looks back to Jisung with a smirk on his face. "So.. That's how it works, Jisung huh? You just need a cute boy to feed-"

"Hyung!" he whined, while glaring at Mark. "Okay okay.." Mark laughs, before starting to drive. The ride was smooth because there's no traffic on that particular morning, and they had reached the office on time, even though Jisung took his time, eating his breakfast.

Going out of the car, Jisung signals Chenle to be on his side. "Let's go, Chenle.." The smaller smiled and immediately walked beside him. Upon entering the company, almost all of the employees are bowing at him, paying respect.

Chenle was amazed on how the employees treat their president.

Jaehyun approached them at the elevator, handing a tablet to Chenle. "You're a bit late today, Jisung.. That was very unusual of you.. You always arrive at the office, 30 minutes before 8 in the morning.. Did something happened?"

Jisung rolled his eyes. "I just ate some breakfast, hyung.." Jaehyun was surprised too when he heard that. He immediately looks at Chenle for confirmation, and the smaller nods at him shyly.

"Wow.. You did a great job, Chenle.." Jaehyun complimented him, which made the smaller really flustered.

Reaching the top floor where the executive office is located, Chenle was shocked to see four boys, waiting at the elevator doors with their curious reaction. "Hyungs? What are you doing here?" Jisung asked.

"We just want to see your new secretary.. We heard that you hired a baby.." Jaemin giggles. Meanwhile, Chenle, who's now standing behind Jaehyun, became a blushing mess when he heard what Jaemin said.

"So.. Where's the baby?" Jeno asked, trying to peek on the small figure behind Jaehyun. Jisung sighed before looking back at his secretary. "Hyungs.. This is my new secretary, Zhong Chenle.." The smaller shyly revealed himself and bows down in front of them.

"Hello.. My name is Zhong Chenle.. Please take care of me.." he shyly said. There was a moment of silence before Jaemin grabs him gently and poked his cheeks. "He's cute!" he cooed. Renjun and Jeno did the same thing and coos at the smaller.

"Let the boy breathe.." Jaehyun laughs. "Plus, the three of you will be late on your meeting at Busan if you don't leave.." he reminded them. "Aww.. I want to squish him a little more.." Jaemin frowns.

"We can catch up tomorrow, Chenle.. After we go back from the meeting.." Jeno smiled and ruffles his hair. "Nice to meet you, Zhong Chenle.. Let's talk tomorrow.." Renjun added, before going to the elevator with his boyfriends.

"Wait.. Where's Haechan?" Jaemin asked. "As usual.. Already cuddling with his boyfriend at the parking lot.." Renjun rolled his eyes. "Cuddling? More like fu-" Jaemin immediately covers Jeno's mouth, preventing him to say something.

"We're going down now.. See you tomorrow, Chenle.." Jaemin smiled before the door of the elevator closes. Jaehyun chuckled before looking at Chenle again. "Sorry about that.. Let me show you to your table, Chenle.."

Chenle nods happily and follows Jaehyun. Meanwhile, Jisung smiles fondly, watching the smaller. He is happy to see that his hyungs already liked him and felt assured that they're always be there for him as well.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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