🐭 18 🐬

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Jaehyun showed the office where the four deparment heads are staying

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Jaehyun showed the office where the four deparment heads are staying. "This is the office of those three boys that you had met earlier.." The office is very spacious and the walls are painted on a bright yellow color.

Four cubicles are positioned at the center and there's a separate table at the very core of the four tables, which made Chenle really curious. "Uhmm.. Mr. Jaehyun? What is the purpose of that center table?"

Jaehyun diverts his gaze on it and smiled. "Oh.. That table? That's your table, Chenle.." The smaller was surprised. "All of the documents that needs to be signed or approve by Jisung, you'll be the one to check it first and bring it to his office.."

Chenle looked on where he was pointing, and it is the office where he was interviewed by Jisung for the first time. "And by the way.. The tablet that I gave you earlier.. That's where you'll see Jisung's upcoming schedules so you can inform him ahead of time.."

He turned on the tablet and saw that the schedule page is blank. "It will be filled with appointments tomorrow, so you should prepare yourself.." Jaehyun advised him. "As for today, you can just roam around the office, or organize your table.. Oh, and that table outside Jisung's office? That's yours too.." he smiled.

Jaehyun had left since he has some meeting to attend to, so Chenle grabs the opportunity to organize his table. He did it in just a few minutes and his table looks neat and shiny. He also took the time to organize the department heads' table as well.

He also organized his other table outside Jisung's office and was fascinated by the brand new laptop that he'll use for working.
Meanwhile, Jisung is reviewing some documents on his table when he saw Chenle organizing.

He watches him intently at the glass window of his office, admiring him from afar. He really made the right choice to hire him, seeing Chenle doing his best. While watching him, he can feel his stomach grumbling. He looks at the time and saw that it was almost lunchtime.

He stood up from his seat and goes outside, planning to treat Chenle on a delicious lunch.

Chenle was so busy organizing his stuff, he didn't noticed that it was lunch time already. He looks at the clock and saw that it was almost 12. He stood and stretched, and was about to take out his packed lunch when Jisung appeared.

"Chenle? Let's go outside for lunch.. I was craving for some steak.. My treat.." he smiled. "Thank you for the offer, Sir Jisung, but I already have a packed lunch.." he bows apologetically. "Oh.." is all Jisung could say. "It's okay.. You can heat your lunch at the pantry.." he instructed, pointing at the pantry between their offices.

"Thank you, Sir Jisung.." he bowed, before going to the pantry. On the other hand, Jisung was quite sad, not eating together with the smaller. Out of his curiosity, he silently followed him towards the pantry and saw that he's already heating his food at the microwave.

After a few minutes, Chenle pulled out the food from the microwave and takes a seat on one of the tables inside the pantry. "He looks very satisfied on his meal.." Jisung sighed. "Well.. I'm still gonna eat steak.." he said.

As he was about to leave, a delicious aroma had captivated his senses, coming inside the pantry. He peeks again and saw Chenle opening his lunch box. It smells really delicious, his mouth starts to water. He couldn't take it anymore, so he decided to show himself.

"Oh.. Sir Jisung.. You're still here.." the smaller stood up and bowed again. "Your food looks delicious, Chenle.." he gulps. The smaller smiled and offers the food to him. "I made plenty of portions spam kimbap and kimchi stew.. Let's eat, Sir Jisung!" he motioned the taller to come closer.

Jisung, looking like a obedient puppy, goes to him immediately and grabs a piece of kimbap. "Wow.. This is so delicious, Chenle.." he smiled while munching it. The smaller was happy to hear that his boss had liked his cooking.

"Try this kimchi stew, Sir Jisung.." The taller dives his spoon on the stew and grabs a bite of it. "This is good too, Chenle.. You're a great cook!" he smiled.

And there he goes. Forgetting his cravings on steak and became deeply immersed on Chenle's cooking.

Jaehyun goes to the office and keeps on finding Jisung. "Where is he? He said he's craving for a steak right now.." He was about to enter the pantry when he heard some laughing noises inside.

Hiding at the door, he saw Jisung and Chenle laughing while eating lunch together. He smiled while watching the two. "Looks like I'm gonna eat steak by myself.." he chuckled, before leaving the area.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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