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He had watched the video

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He had watched the video. He saw how he jumped on Jisung's arms and kissed him directly on his lips. He saw how he called him with such a cute nickname that he didn't know how on earth he came up with.

Now he knew as to why Mark is smirking at him earlier, and how Jisung is just smiling at him since morning. "I fucked up.." Chenle sits on the floor and was hoping to dig a hole there for him to hide. He was so embarrassed.

Renjun looks at him and signals him to stand up. "He didn't told you anything about last night?" he asked. Chenle nods at him. "Yes, hyung.. What am I gonna do? I think he hates me now.." he frowned.

"Don't overthink, Chenle.. Just ask for forgiveness and explain everything to him.. If he really is angry at you, he would show it at the moment, but you told us that this morning, he even ate the breakfast you prepared, right?" Chenle nods again.

Suddenly, his desk phone buzzes, meaning that Jisung is calling him. "You can do it, Chenle!" Jaemin and Haechan cheered. He gulped, before walking towards Jisung's office. Meanwhile, the four laughs softly at each other.

Chenle knocks softly at the door before entering. He immediately saw Jisung reviewing some papers on his table and had became aware of his presence. The taller looks up at him and stares at him. He walks softly towards him, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"Sir Jisung-" It was cut off when Jisung raises an eyebrow at him. "Hmm?"

"I mean, Jisung-" He was cut off again. "Hmm?"

Chenle just stared at him, didn't know on how Jisung wants to be addressed with. "You called me 'Jisungie' last night.." he smirked, making the smaller really flustered. He bowed immediately in front of him.

"I'm so sorry, Jisung, for what happened last night.. I didn't know as to why did I did that.." he pleads softly. Expecting to get a good scolding from his boss, he was surprised to heard a light chuckle from him.

He looks at Jisung's face, confused as to why he was chuckling, instead of scolding him for what he have done. "So you give kisses when you're drunk?" the taller teased. Chenle pouts in response, making Jisung wanting to tease him more.

"I'm not!" he whined. The taller had stopped laughing and looks at him with a smile on his face. "Don't worry, Chenle.. I am not mad at you.. In fact, I was just worried last night that's why I checked on you guys and guess what happened? Someone jumped on me and kissed me.." he teased again.

Chenle bowed again. "It won't happen again, Jisung! I promise!" he looks at him with pleading eyes. Jisung puts up a thinking face before responding to the smaller. "I forgive you, Chenle.. But with one condition.."

The smaller looks at him intently, waiting on the consequences. "From now, you'll call me 'Jisungie' and you'll let me call you 'Lele'.. Okay?" The smaller was surprised on his boss' consequence for him. "And of course, I'll only call you on your nickaname if it's just the two of us, deal?"

Chenle couldn't say no, so he agreed, and his nickname sounds so good coming out from Jisung's mouth. "Deal.." he pouts. "Okay, Lele.. Can you bring this documents to Jaehyun hyung?"

"Of course, Jisungie.." he pouts again before picking the documents and goes outside. Meanwhile, Jisung couldn't get his eyes off  him and watches him as he walks away.

"Cute.." he muttered.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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