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Jisung and his hyungs are all eating at a fancy restaurant near the company

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Jisung and his hyungs are all eating at a fancy restaurant near the company. They decided to treat their maknae of their friend group for doing such a great job at the presentation.

"You did well, Jisung-ah.." Jaemin complimented him, mouth still full while munching his steak. "Manners, Jaemin-ssi.." Renjun rolled his eyes, making Jeno laughed. "Aigoo.. My cute boyfriends.." Jeno smiled proudly.

However, they noticed that Jisung is not paying attention, still swirling his spoon on the soup that he ordered. He kept on thinking his encounter with the cute boy at the rooftop, and how he encourages him while presenting at the shareholders.

Regret starts to fill him up since he didn't get his name.

"Hello? Earth to Jisung?" Haechan called his attention, making his thoughts snapped back to reality. "Oh, hey hyung.." Jisung immediately smiled. "I can tell that something is bothering you.. Care to tell on your hyungs?"

Jisung softly smiled at them, assuring that it was nothing to worry about. "I'm fine, hyungs.. Just thinking about something.. You don't have to worry.."

Haechan sighed. "Whatever you say, Jisungie.. Just always remember that your hyungs are always here for you, okay?" Jisung nods. "I know, hyung.."

His phone rings and immediately answered the call. After a few minutes, he hung up the call and looks at his hyungs. "Hyungs.. I need to go first.. Jaehyun hyung wants me now to go back for the final deliberation of the applicants.."

"Oohh.. Is that for your secretary?" Renjun butted in. "Yes, hyung.. I was hoping that the candidate he chose is fitted for the position.. And I also wish that it could be same age as me.." he chuckles. "Aww.. Our Jisungie doesn't want us to baby him anymore.." Jaemin pouts.

"Because I'm not a baby!" he whined, before standing up and goes to his car outside. The door of his car had opened, revealing his personal driver, Mark Lee. "Hyung.. Let's go back to the company.."

Mark bowed at him and opens the door for him. "Okay, Jisung.. Uhmm.. Is Haechan still there?" Jisung smirks at him as he settles on the driver's seat. "Don't worry hyung.. He still rambles to everyone on how much he loves you.." he teased.

Mark blushed at that statement. "Aigoo.. Haechan.." he smiled widely, while starting the engine and zoomed away back to the company.

After sharing a simple lunch to the old woman, he happily assisted her and helped her crossing the street. Reaching at the other side of the road, the old woman was very thankful to him.

"Thank you, Chenle.." she smiled. "I enjoyed the lunch with you.. And about your job application today, I prayed that you get hired, because you deserve good things in your life.."

"Thank you, grandma.." he smiled, hugging the old woman. "Where are you going now, grandma?" he asked. "I'm going back now to the elderly shelter where they provide comfortable rooms to the homeless and elderly like me, so don't worry.."

Chenle smiled cutely. "It's good to know, grandma.. If you get hungry again and no food to eat, don't hesitate to find me at the company where you saw me, okay?" The old woman nods at him.

Suddenly, Chenle's phone had ding-ed and he immediately check the text message he received, and it was from Jaehyun, telling him that he should go back now for the results. "I need to go back now, gradma.. Please always take care!" he cheered, while running back towards the office.

"Hyung! Why do I need to interview the candidate that you chose?" he whined, feeling nervous. Jaehyun laughs at him. "You're nervous, I can tell.. Don't worry, out of four outstanding candidates, he's really good.." he smiled.

"He? Do you mean he's a boy?!" Jisung was surprised. "Yes.. Why? Do you want it to be a girl?" he teased. "No, hyung.. I'm just surprised, that's all.." he laughs awkwardly. "But if he's the one you chose, I can tell that he's really good.. I trust your judgement, hyung.." he grins.

Jaehyun handed him the envelope that contains the personal date sheet and resume of the applicant. "You can check his details first.." Jisung took the papers but didn't bother to open it.

"I'll read it later.. I want to be surprised on your 'chosen one.." he smirked, before taking a seat. "Okay, I'll let him in now.."

Meanwhile, Chenle was waiting nervously at the lobby, and he's also worried since he noticed that the three girls are nowhere to be found. The big doors of the president's office had opened, revealing Jaehyun.

"Hello, Mr. Chenle.. You can now come in.. The president wants to see you now.." He gulped before standing up and walks his way towards the main office inside. Jaehyun had knocked softly on the door.

"Come in.." the voice of the president announced in deep voice, making Chenle quiver in fear. He opened the main door and starts to walk in. "Good morning, Mr. President.. I'm Zhong Ch-" His words were cut off due to shock.

Jisung also is at the same situation. He couldn't believed it. The boy whose on his mind the whole day is now in front of him.

"You?!" Is all they could say while staring at each other. Chenle was very surprised. So is Jisung.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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