🐭 14 🐬

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Chenle didn't fight back anymore, and he let the stranger pulls him away, probably towards the door

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Chenle didn't fight back anymore, and he let the stranger pulls him away, probably towards the door. The man, Chenle can tell because of the big hands that covers his mouth and eyes, and the deep breathing that he can practically hear.

Thinking that it was his final moment, the image of his aunt flashes through his mind, if he would be gone, who would take care of her? And that one thing drives him to survive, to be always be there for his aunt.

He started crying and begging that someone to spare his life. His aunt needs him. His crying became really hard, tears flowing from his eyes. "Please.. Spare my life, Sir.. My aunt needs me.."

Suddenly, the stranger had stopped pulling him away and removes the hands that covers his eyes and mouth. Chenle quickly turned around to see his face, and plans to beg for his life.

"Hey Chenle.. Stop crying.. It's me, Jisung.." the taller looks at him, feeling guilty and worried at the same time. "Sir Jisung?" Chenle asked, surprised to see that it was his boss who drags him away.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, I swear.. I just want to surprise-" His explanation were cut off when Chenle launches himself on his arms, hugging him really tight, nuzzling his face on his chest.

He did really scare him, and Jisung felt really bad.

He hugged back and rubs comforting circles on Chenle's back, comforting the smaller. "I thought that it's the end for me.." the smaller sniffles. Jisung hugged him tighter, feeling guilty because he made his assistant cry.

"I'm really sorry, Chenle.. This was supposed to be a surprise, and yet, I was the one who's surprised and made you cry.. Sorry.." The smaller looks up to him, his heart starts to beat really fast, just looking at Chenle's tear stained face.

Like, he wants to give the world to him.

"Are you feeling good now?" Jisung asked, wiping Chenle's tears with his thumb. The smaller nods and nuzzles his face again on Jisung's chest. "Your aunt is waiting, you know.." the taller chuckles.

Chenle looks up again to him. "Waiting? Where?"

"You'll see.." Jisung assured to him.

He was flustered the whole ride, seeing his boss driving, and he was sitting beside him. He was silent and kept looking at the car window, curious on the surprise that Jisung prepared.

He noticed that they're now on the center part of the city, where nice houses and apartment units can be seen along the road. "We're almost there, Chenle.." Jisung smiled at him.

They had reached their destination, and the place was actually pretty cool: a two-storey house, standing at the hill part where other houses surrounds it. The house would really captivate anyone because it was painted with bright colors.

"This house looks really expensive.." Chenle commented, looking at the whole place. Suddenly, the door of that beautiful house he admires had opened, revealing a familiar face to him.

"Aunt?!" Chenle asked, curious as to why his aunt was there. "Lele! You're here!" she cheered, running towards him. The woman immediately engulfs him on a tight hug, which Chenle hugged back tightly.

"I thought something bad happened to you! You're okay!" Chenle felt relieved, hugging his aunt. "What happened to our house? Our stuffs were gone, and it was so messy!"

Seohyun didn't said any word and just pulled his nephew towards the house. Going inside, Chenle was in awe, looking at the very modernized interior of it. However, what caught his attention is that most of their stuffs are inside, mixed with some brand new appliances.

"Our stuffs are here! Why?" he asked. That's when Jisung interfered and goes in front of him, handing him some documents. "Because this is your house already.." he smiled. Chenle couldn't believed what he heard.

"Sir Jisung.. We cannot accept this.. This is too much.." he tried to protest, but Jisung just shook his head. "Too late, since this house is fully paid and registered to your name already.. I just don't want my assistant to live on that building that may collapse any moment.."

Tears starts to flow from his eyes again, and wiping it immediately. "I don't know how to thank you, Sir Jisung.." he sniffs. "Let's just always do our best, Chenle.. And that's how you'll thank me.." he smiled.

Chenle felt really happy and starts to tour around the house, seeing that it was so huge, and it also has three bedrooms and a rooftop.

"I'll be leaving now, Chenle.." he waves and bowed to Seohyun, before going to the door. "Wait!" Chenle asked, and runs in front of him, bowing his head. "Thank you very much, Sir Jisung.."

The taller just smiled and ruffles his hair. "See you tomorrow, Chenle.." The smaller is just standing at the doorway, watching his boss entering his car and zooms away.

Meanwhile, Jaehyun is still at the office, finalizing the final documents for Chenle's start tomorrow. He checks on his list one last time, checking if he had told Chenle all the things that he needs to know.

"Oh! I missed some two things that I need to discuss with him.. Let's see.."

He reads the two unchecked items on his list.

"Jisung's dog on his house.. Hmm.. I think Jisung wouldn't let his dog free around the house tomorrow, since Chenle will be coming early in the morning.." he checked that item.

"Lastly.. Oh.. Jisung likes to sleep naked.. It's not that Jisung would come out of his room naked, right?" he chuckles, and checked that part.

"It's not like something bad is gonna happen right?" he asked himself, closing the list.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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