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For him, it was the best lunch he had for a while

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For him, it was the best lunch he had for a while. He felt really shy, almost eating all of Chenle's lunch. It was a simple kimbap and kimchi stew, but it got him addicted, well.. Not that addicted.. More like curious on how Chenle's other dishes would taste like.

He spent the whole afternoon, watching the smaller organizing his table. There's a pile of documents that he needs to review, revise and sign, but now, he can't keep his eyes off to him. Emotions escalated over him quickly.

From simple admiration, he keeps on falling to him.

After too much thinking, he finally decided. It's not like he's ask him out for a date. No, that's too soon. Seeing the clock strikes at 5 in the afternoon, he immediately puts on his suit and bag, goes outside, seeing that the smaller is preparing to go home too.

"No need to chicken out.." he whispered to himself. He quietly entered the office where the smaller is, and Chenle is quick to notice him. "Sir Jisung.. Are you gonna go home already?" he asked, and of course, with that captivating smile on his face, which never fails to swoon him over to him.

"It's now or never.." he thought. "Uhmm.. Chenle? Do you have plans after work?" he stuttered. The smaller shakes his head. "Nothing, Sir.. Can I ask, why are you asking?"

Jisung gulps, before speaking. "Can you accompany me somewhere? I really need your help.." The smaller's curious reaction immediately turns into a comforting smile. "Of course, Sir.." The taller released a deep breath that he was holding, feeling relieved.

"Pack your things now, and we're going.." Jisung smiled. "Where are we going, Sir Jisung?" he asked. "You'll see.."

Chenle was surprised. He couldn't imagine that his boss is gonna bring him to this place. "What are we doing on a grocery store?" he asked softly, not getting the reason. Jisung looks at him with a pleading smile on his face.

"Of course, you'll gonna help me get some groceries for my fridge.. Since you insisted that I need to eat breakfast, it's now your responsibility to feed me.."

Chenle smiled, finding it cute that his boss is asking him to help getting groceries. "Of course, Sir.. I'll be more than happy to help.. Are we gonna fill that gigantic fridge of yours?" he teased, but did not expected that Jisung would take it seriously.

He was shocked when the taller brought two big shopping carts. "Yes! We will fill it up! Let's go!" Jisung cheered happily. Chenle lead the way, getting some instant food and condiments first, and decided to pick the perishables last.

They're on this aisle of fruits and vegetables, and decided to get a box of sweet potatoes. While choosing a good one, Jisung suddenly asked. "Where do you want to eat for dinner, Chenle?"

The smaller looks at him with a pout, making his heartbeat really fast. "We don't need to eat out, Sir Jisung.. I'm gonna cook something for dinner.." Jisung's eyes lightened up. "Really?!"

Chenle smiled at him. "Yup!"

Reaching the house, the fridge is immediately filled up with food, and the smaller had arranged it neatly. He also prepared their dinner: his own version of spaghetti and toasted garlic bread.

Jisung was in awe, looking at the food at the table. "Woah.." he took out his phone and took some pictures of the food, and compliments the smaller for cooking it for him.

"Let's eat!" Jisung immediately grabbed a spoonful of the spaghetti, and was shocked on how it taste like. "How was it?" Chenle was quite nervous. "It was so delicious, Chenle! This is the first time I've tasted a spaghetti like this.. It was quite sweet, creamy and very cheesy.."

The smaller was happy, seeing that his boss is eating well. He started eating too, enjoying the food that he cooked. Silence had overcome them, only the slurping sounds of the pasta can be heard.

"Chenle?" The smaller looked up, seeing his boss, looking at him. "Yes, Sir?" he asked.

"Can we be friends?" he asked with a huge smile on his face. "I mean you're the first person with the same age as I am that I can talk and interact comfortably, having no awkwardness around.."

Chenle agreed, well, on his thought. Even though Jisung is his boss, he can sense no awkwardness around them. "Sure.." Chenle smiled. Jisung felt really happy, like he wanted to let the world know.

"Then, kindly call me by my first name.." he smirked. "But, Sir Jisung-"

"You're my friend now, right?" Jisung smirked again. Feeling defeated and can see that his protest won't work, he agreed.

"Fine.. But I'll only call you in your first name when no one's around, okay?"

Jisung nods and can settle with that. For now.

"Okay, Chenle.. Friends?" he extended his hand. The smaller smiled and grabs his hand, initiating a shake. "Yes, Jisung.. Friends.." he smiled.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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