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Another week had passed and Chenle felt satisfied by doing his best to help and assist Jisung everyday

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Another week had passed and Chenle felt satisfied by doing his best to help and assist Jisung everyday. It was Saturday and he's busy looking at the mirror to find the best outfit that he can use. Well, he was invited by Jisung's parents to have dinner with them.

It's been an hour and he still can't decide on what to wear. "Urgh.. This is making me nuts.." he whined while looking at the mirror, trying the 10th outfit that he chose. "It's just a dinner, why do I feel so pressured.." he said to himself.

Finally, he settled on a yellow shirt with black polo, black jeans and pair of white sneakers. He puts on his favorite perfume and some lip balm to lighten up his face. "All set!" he smiled at the mirror. Going downstairs, he saw his aunt, looking at him fondly.

"You're pretty, Lele.." she cooed. "It feels like you're gonna meet your boyfriend's parents.." she teased, making Chenle flustered. "Aunt!" he whined. Seohyun laughs and goes to him, engulfing him on a warm hug.

"My baby is all grown up now.." she smiled, as she rubs comforting circles on his back. "I'll be your baby forever, Aunt.. And nothing could change that.." he hugged back tightly. Their sweet moment had been disrupted by a honk of a car outside.

"Your boyfriend is here.." she smiled teasingly. "Aunt!" he whined cutely. Chenle runs to the kitchen to get something and comes back, bidding goodbye to his aunt. He went out and grins as soon as he saw his boss' car.

Jisung went out of the car and opens the car door for him. "You don't have to do that, Jisungie.." he smiled, getting a little bit flustered. While on their way to Jisung's parents house, he noticed the blue paper bag that Chenle brought.

"What is that?" Jisung asked, pointing at the bag. "Oh.. I did bake some chocolate chip cookies for your family.." he smiled. "Aigoo.. You don't have to bring anything.." the taller smiled at him. "But I want too.. Plus, this is my specialty so I want all of you to taste this.."

"By the way, Lele.. You look pretty tonight.." Jisung smiles at him, with a hint of fondness on his eyes. Chenle didn't know why, but his heart starts to flutter again. "Thank you.." he stuttered, couldn't look straight at the taller's eyes.

Chenle can really tell that Jisung's family is very humble. He expected a big mansion since his family lives there, but he was surprised when he saw that it was a simple two-storey home. It literally shouts "simple but elegant".

It has a beautiful facade at the entrance and is filled with beautiful flowers. Tiffany and Nickhun are waving at the door, excited to see Chenle.

"Chenle! You're here! It's so good to see you!" Tiffany runs to him and engulfes him on a hug. "Welcome to our humble abode, Chenle.." Nickhun greets him warmly. "Good evening, Mr and Mrs Park.." he bowed politely before handing the paper bag.

"Omo! What's this?" Tiffany asked. "I baked some chocolate chip cookies.." The woman squeals and peeks at the box inside the bag. "Omo! They look and smell so good! Let's have this as a dessert for later.. Come on in! We'll eat at the garden in the back.."

Chenle likes the interior of the house, it looks clean and inviting, and it emits positive vibes while looking at the colorful paintings at the wall. Reaching the garden at the back, his eyes couldn't believed what he is seeing right now.

"Is this for real?" Chenle laughs cutely while going out to the garden. Jisung follows his quietly with a smile on his face. In the middle of the garden, a grill similar to the ones on the barbecue places, sets beautifully.

Almost every kinds of meat, lettuce and side dishes are on the table beside it. And what surprised him more is seeing his former boss at the barbecue place, setting up some things. "Boss!" Chenle yelled happily.

His former boss, Shindong, welcomed with a bright smile as well. "Lele-ah! You're here! Your boss had asked me a favor to assemble a barbecue place here at their home.. And here it is! Make sure his family would taste your specialty, okay?"

Chenle smiled and hugs Shindong. "Thank you, boss.." Shindong hugs him and spins him around, making the smaller laugh. "Anything for you, Lele.." he laughs. After setting everything up, Shindong had left, and the whole family is looking forward for this.

"It's also our first time to eat something like this, so we're quite nervous and excited.." Nickhun laughs. "But Jisung would always brag your cooking so we wanted to try it as well.." Chenle smiled and signals them to now sit at the grilling table.

"Wait.. Where's Joy noona?" he asked. "She'll be late for a bit because she has a meeting to attend.." Jisung replied. The smaller starts to place some meat at the grill, and the savory smell and the grilling sound entices all of them.

"It's Chenle's time!" the smaller cheered, making the whole family clapped their hands.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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