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On that specific moment, he wished he could turn back time

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On that specific moment, he wished he could turn back time. He wished that he didn't said that. Still slumped on the floor, he cried as hard as he can, regretting the words that he said to Jisung.

But what can he do? It's the only way to save the company. Lami's words still haunts his mind, on how she threatened that if they got together, Chansung would immediately pull out the shareholders, taking the company from Jisung's father.

"I can see how he looks at you, Chenle.. It's full of love.. Full of affection.. How I wish I was you.. But I just thought, if you and Jisung will get together, my father will probably do whatever it takes to get the company by himself.."  she frowns.

Chenle looks at her. "I didn't know that it would turn out like that.." he stuttered. "Of course, Chenle.. Just to think of it, you're both happy because you're together, but it will cost the company.. It will be a big deal to Jisung's father.."

He bowed down, couldn't look at Lami's face. "If I were you, Chenle.. Even if Jisung would ask you to be his, I'll absolutely turn him down.." she smirked. "So, what will you choose?"

Chenle looks up to her with a determined face. "I'll do what's best, Lami.." The woman grins before patting his shoulder. "You're not that selfish, Lele.. I knew you'll come around.." and then she left.

He remembers that conversation, that's why he chose to reject his feelings, for the sake of the company.

"What?! He rejected your confession? But I can see that he loves you back!" Joy yelled while comforting his little brother. "I guess I read the situation wrong, noona.." he sniffles.

Joy pulled away and looks at Jisung's face. "No, you haven't, Jisung.. He clearly loves you back.. Then why did he kissed back? Why did he responded on your kisses?"

"He said that it was just a mistake.. That he didn't mean to kiss back, like he got carried away-"

"Nonsense! There's no such thing! Where's Chenle right now? I have to talk some sense to him.. This is not cool, it's like he lead you on for nothing.." she exclaimed.

Jisung holds his sister's hand. "Let him be, noona.. He made his decision, and I must respect it.. I just don't want to ruin the friendship that we had.. He's the person that I want to be with, even though as friends.." he frowned.

Joy couldn't bear to see her brother looking like this. She pulled him on a tight hug, before pecking his forehead. "You're too kind, Jisung.. Too kind.." she mutters.

However, something's bothering inside her head. She always knew that Chenle couldn't do something harsh like that. "Something must've happened.." she thought.

Meanwhile, at the company, Lami is sharing the good news to her father about persuading Chenle on not accepting Jisung's feelings for him. "I am so happy, Father.." she grins. "I finally have this chance on Jisung!"

Chansung looks proudly at his daughter. "You did an amazing job, sweety.. But we have to make sure that everything is gonna happen according to our plan.. I'll talk some things with Nickhun tomorrow as well.." he smirked.

"Thank you, Dad!" Lami goes to her father and hugs him tight.

Chenle arrived at home, seeing his aunt, preparing dinner. "Welcome home, Lele! Hungry already? Dinner will be up soon.." she smiled. He looks up to her with a faint smile. "I'm not hungry, Aunt.. I'll go straight to sleep.."

"Are you okay?" she asked. Again, Chenle responded with a faint smile. "I'm okay, Aunt.. I'm just tired.." He walks away, leaving Seohyun worried.

Getting inside his bedroom, he immediately flops on the bed. He pulled out his phone and calls someone that he thought would understand the situation. Just a few rings and the other line answered quickly.

"Lele! You called! I missed you!" A voice of an elderly woman echoed at the other line. "I missed you too, Grandma Ye Seo.." he answered back.

"When are you and Jisung gonna visit again? I miss you two!" she whined.

"About that, grandma.." He started to tell what happened between, the accidental kiss, and Lami's threats to them.

"That Lami... She really said that? That was so rude of her! And the fact that her mother and father is supporting her actions since they want the company as well.. I really don't know what to feel.."

"It was really hard for me to reject Jisung, Grandma.. Since I feel the same way towards him.." he sniffles.

A long silence had surround them before the old woman spoke again.

"Then why did you rejected him? What if he knows already what is gonna happen and is willing to take the risk with you, Chenle?"

Chenle couldn't answer.

"It's not bad to always follow your mind, Chenle.. But you gotta follow your heart too! What you really feel for him.. You gotta do what you have to do, Chenle.. And I know it's gonna be worth it.."

He smiled, wiping his tears away. "Thank you for this talk, Grandma.. I really needed this.."

The old woman giggles at the other line. "You're most welcome, Chenle.. As for the company, I really wish for the best.. Regarding your feelings, you have to fight for it.."

"Okay, Grandma.. See you soon.."

"See you soon, Chenle.. Visit me soon! And hopefully, with Jisung!"

He hangs up the call and stares at the ceiling, thinking what the old woman had said to him.

Meanwhile, Jisung is on his bed, thinking about what happened. He really need someone to talk to right now, someone who's gonna understand his feelings and thoughts really well.

Until, someone's name had appeared on his mind. He grabs his phone and open an app, starting to message someone.

 He grabs his phone and open an app, starting to message someone

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After a few minutes, he replied, which made Jisung smiled.

He's happy that after a year, he would finally meet the person whom he shared everything for the past year

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He's happy that after a year, he would finally meet the person whom he shared everything for the past year.

Thank you for reading! 🥀

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