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They're still looking at each other, gasped and amused at the same time, still couldn't believe it

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They're still looking at each other, gasped and amused at the same time, still couldn't believe it. Jaehyun stares at them and cleared his throat, just to clear the awkward silence between the two.

"So.. You two knew each other?" he asked, making the two boys looked down at the floor, didn't know what to say.

For Chenle, he wants to dig a hole at the ground and hides there forever. He was embarrassed, thinking the meetups that he did on Jisung, which he didn't know that he's the president of the company.

Jisung is on the same boat as well. The boy who he finds pretty.. The boy who encouraged him earlier.. The boy whom he had met at the rooftop, is now in front of him, and of course, having the greatest chance to be his secretary.

Jaehyun still doesn't get what's happening, so he just shrugged off and goes to the door. "Well.. It looks like you two have something to talk about.. I'll leave you two alone, okay?" After he had left, the awkward tension on air is still there.

Chenle doesn't want this kind of vibe, so he decided to speak up first. He goes closer to him, which made Jisung surprised, and bowed in front of him, making Jisung shocked.

"Sorry, Sir!" Chenle pleads. "I didn't know that you were the president of the company.. I shouldn't talk to you casually the way I did at the rooftop.." he pleads again. He was expecting to be scolded, however, he was surprised when he heard Jisung laughed.

He slowly raised up his head, seeing the boy laughs at him. "You're just interesting, you know that?" the taller smiled, which made Chenle feel flustered. Jisung picks up the smaller's personal data sheet and reviews it quickly.

"Zhong Chenle, right?" he asked. Chenle bows again. "Yes, Sir.." Jisung sighed. "Hey, don't do that.. So Chenle, I should be the one thanking you.. You took your time talking to me and pushing me, believing on me that I could do it.." he smiled.

"And because of you.. I did it!" Jisung proudly grins at him, making him feel more relaxed. "And I wanted to thank you for that.." Chenle bows at him again. "I'm glad that it did help you, Mr. President.."

Jisung shakes his head. "Please.. You can call me Jisung.." he said. "As for this final interview, I believe that you can do great things at this company, so congratulations! You're hired as my executive assistant!" he announced.

The smaller is still shocked, couldn't believed what he heard. He wanted to thank him, but instead, tears starts to flow from his eyes, making the taller worried.

"Hey.. Stop crying please.." Jisung said worriedly, and hands him the box of tissues on the table. The smaller just sniffles and wipes his tears away. "I just can't believed that I got hired.. I badly needed this job.." he sniffs again.

"You've earned it, Chenle.." Jisung smiled at him. After the smaller had calmed down, Jisung officially explained to him on what will be his job is. "Tomorrow, you'll have your contract signing and orientation with Jaehyun hyung.."

Chenle nods and typed down everything on his phone. Meanwhile, Jisung was surprised to see that the smaller can still use his phone even though it is full of scratches and dents on the screen. He also noticed that Chenle's other shoe has a tape on it, assuming that it was broken.

He didn't brought it up, since he didn't want to embarrass the boy.

"And that's it! See you tomorrow, Chenle.." Jisung smiled. The smaller smiled back and bowed down in front of him. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Jisung.."

Jisung shakes his head again. "Please, you can call me by my first name.." Chenle laughs cutely, which made his heart swoon. "I'll try.." then he left the room, leaving the taller falling deep in admiration.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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