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Jisung is now pining the smaller underneath him, still not pulling away

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Jisung is now pining the smaller underneath him, still not pulling away. They both felt comfortable while kissing, expressing the hidden feelings inside of them. Chenle wraps his arms again on Jisung's neck, pulling him closer.

The taller pulled away from his lips and starts to trail some soft kisses down to his neck, which made Chenle shiver. However, they both came back to their senses and stopped. Chenle was stunned at the moment.

Face still flushed, he stood up from the bed and starts to get his stuff. Jisung sits up and looks at him, blush creeping on his face. "Lele.." he softly called. Chenle ignored him completely and rushes to gather his stuffs.

After getting everything and didn't bothered to change his clothes, he looks at Jisung with an awkward smile. "See you tomorrow, Sungie.." he stuttered, before leaving the room.

Jisung was stunned too, can't believed that it happened. He lays on the bed again and stares at the ceiling, recalling what happened earlier. He recalled how Chenle's lips are soft and sweet.

He recalled how Chenle's neck smells really good and inviting. He recalled everything on his mind. "Did that just really happened?" he said to himself, still staring at the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Chenle immediately went out of the house and called a taxi. Hopping inside the car, he settles in comfortably and releases a deep breath that he's holding in. He touches his lips, remembering every detail.

He caresses his neck where Jisung's soft kisses still lingers. His face became red again and his heart starts to beat fast just by thinking what happened. The driver noticed his reaction at the mirror.

"Are you okay, Sir?" Chenle looks to him and nods. "Yes, I am okay.. Thank you for asking.." Reaching his house, he quickly paid the driver, muttered a quick thanks and runs inside the house.

He goes to his bedroom and immediately locked the door. He flops on the bed and nuzzles his face on the mattress before yelling.

After what happened, Jisung consulted to his older sister, together with his hyungs. Everyone screeched, especially Joy. "You guys kissed?! OMG! That was cute!" she yelled.

"Way to go, Jisung.." Jeno pats him on the back. He also told them on how Chenle responded to the kiss. "He likes you, Jisung.. That's what it means.." Haechan smiled proudly.

"You should do what you think you should do.. And I know it's right.. Trust your heart Jisung.." Renjun ruffles his hair. Jisung thought about it carefully because he knew that things are not gonna be the same again between them.

Especially, after that kiss.

Chenle also consulted Kun's opinion regarding the matter. Kun just smiled and stayed silent while Chenle explains what happened between Jisung and him. Kun looks at him straight on the eyes before asking.

"What did you feel about the kiss?" he asked. Chenle blushed again, recalling the feeling on that moment. "Like it was the best feeling.. It felt really right, hyung.. I didn't know why did I kissed back but it felt really right.."

Kun grins. "Then you should follow what you really feel for him.." Chenle frowns at him. "But hyung.. Jisung is too good for me.. He's up there, and I am just down here.. Plus, what would the people think about us? They'll just think that I am some sort of gold digger-"

"Lele.." Kun pats his shoulder. "Jisung already knew that.. That's why he's having this courage inside of him.. And you should have courage too.. And I believe that it will all went well.." he smiled.

"Do you think so, hyung?" he asked.

"I know so.." Kun assured, before hugging Chenle.

The next day at the office, the two of them are very awkward. When their eyes meet, blush starts to creep on both of their faces. Jisung decided to talk to Chenle after work to settle things, especially their feelings.

Meanwhile, Lami noticed the awkward air surrounding the two. She knew that something between them, and it makes her feel angry. "If I couldn't have Jisung, then no one will.." she muttered.

That's why during lunch, she immediately goes to Chenle. "Hi Chenle.. Can we have a talk?" she asked with a smile. "Sure.." Chenle nods, before following her at the rooftop.

After lunch, Jisung noticed that Chenle is avoiding his gaze. The whole afternoon, the smaller is completely ignoring him. It made him feel irritated, so after work, before Chenle could have the chance to sneak away, Jisung pulled him and drags him to the rooftop.

"Why are you avoiding me, Lele?" he asked.

"I am not avoiding you.." Chenle looks at the ground. "You can't even look at my face, Lele.."

Silence surrounds both of them at the rooftop.

"I just want to talk about what happened yesterday, Lele.. I just want you to know what I really feel.." He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I like you, Lele.. Since from the beginning.. You were always there for me.. I feel really strong and confident when I am with you.." He raises up his hand to caress Chenle's face but to his surprise, he flinched away.

Chenle looked up slowly to his face. "I don't feel the same way, Jisung.. I don't like you.."

"But you kissed back, Lele-"

"That was a mistake, Jisung.. I was just carried away.."

"I can't believed this, Lele.. That kiss.. It was so real-"

"It was a mistake, Jisung! I will never like you!" he yelled.

Jisung felt really hurt, like his heart was broken into pieces. "Sorry for forcing myself into you, Chenle.. I read the situation very wrong.." he stuttered.

"Sorry, Chenle.." he sniffles, before walking away. As soon as he was out of sight, Chenle had slumped down on the floor and cried. "Sorry, Sungie.."

Thank you for reading 🥀

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