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Mark looks at Chenle, who's sitting beside him at the driver seat

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Mark looks at Chenle, who's sitting beside him at the driver seat. He noticed that he keeps looking at Jisung at the rear mirror, and would blush if Jisung would smile back at him. He rolled his eyes up before stopping the car at the side of the road.

"Hyung? Why did we stopped?" Jisung asked. Mark releases a deep breath and looks at both of them. "Seriously? What's with you two?" he asked. Chenle immediately looked up, while Jisung tries to avoid the question.

"We're gonna be late, hyung.. I need to be early at the company today.." he whined. Mark raises his eyebrow and looks to him. "I'm not gonna drive until I didn't know what's happening between you two.."

"Nothing is happening, hyung.." Chenle tries to protest, but Mark wouldn't believe it. "Then why did you sleep at Jisung's house?" he asked. Chenle blushes a little bit and couldn't look straight to Mark.

"Fine.." Jisung glares at him. "Chenle and I.. We're dating.." he stuttered while looking down. Mark's face suddenly lights up and was about to scream when Chenle covered his mouth.

"Please, hyung.. Don't say it to anyone.. Not even to Haechan hyung.. We decided to keep it a secret for a while, until things settles down.." the smaller pleads. Mark nods before pushing away Chenle's hand on his mouth.

"Of course.." Mark grins. "I am just happy to see you two together.." Chenle became flustered while Jisung grins back at the older. "Thank you, hyung.." The older leans closer and ruffles Jisung's hair.

"Wishing the best to both of you, Jisung.. Chenle.." he smiled, making the two happy.

Getting at the company, he noticed all of the employees' sad faces. That's when saw Renjun, running fast towards to him. "Something happened, hyung?" Chenle asked.

Renjun catches his breath first, before looking at Jisung. In that moment, Jisung immediately knew what happened.

"Don't lose hope, everyone.. We can still find other potential shareholders for the company.." Jisung looks at the employees who tried to comfort him. Yes, it was really disappointing that Madame Han decided not to invest.

He really thought that they could get it, that they'll be able to have a powerful investor like her on board. He's bitter about it, but still they have to move on and start scouting again.

"Again, I just wanted to apologize.. I knew that it was all my fault for walking out from the presentation-"

"You did your best, Jisung.." Jeno clapped his hands. Other employees are clapping their hands too, motivating Jisung. He looked around and saw Chenle, smiling proudly at him.

After the small gathering, when most of the employees had went back to their own workspace, Jisung pulled Chenle and runs towards the staircase that leads to the rooftop.

Reaching the place, he immediately hugged the smaller and cries on his shoulder. Chenle pats his back while whispering comforting words to him.

"You did everything you could, Sungie.. You gave so much effort by going into extra mile, for the sake of the company.."

The taller pulled away and looks down at Chenle's face. "I just feel bad, Lele-"

His words were cut off when Chenle tiptoed and silences him with a soft kiss. "Don't you ever doubt yourself, Sungie.. We did everything.. If it's meant to be, it will be.."

Jisung wiped his tears and smiled at the smaller. "I really, really, really love you, Lele.." He leaned closer and immediately captured Chenle's lips.

However, someone's watching them from the entrance door at the rooftop. Nickhun was really surprised to see the two kissing passionately. He accidentally saw his son pulling Chenle towards the rooftop.

Being curious, he decided to follow them. And now, he knew what's going on between them. He feels bad, seeing that the two needs to hide their relationship.

Thinking about what would happen at the company and Chansung's offer, he pulled out his phone and dialled the latter's number.

"Hello, Chansung.. It's me.. I already made up my decision.. Set a formal party tomorrow at the auditorium.. I will formally announce their engagement.."

Chansung laughs at the other line.

"Good choice, Nickhun.. I always know that you're gonna always choose first the company that we both built.. Rather than anything.. Or anyone else.."

Nickhun disconnected the call and looks at Jisung from afar. "I'm sorry, my son.." he whispered, tears falling from his eyes.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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