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As Chenle prepares a hearty breakfast for them, his head jolted up, seeing his Kun hyung walking sleepily downstairs

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As Chenle prepares a hearty breakfast for them, his head jolted up, seeing his Kun hyung walking sleepily downstairs. Seohyun had spotted him first and greets him cheerfully. "Good morning, Kun! How was your sleep?"

Kun immediately bows in front of her and expressed his gratitude for letting him stay for the night. "Really, Aunt Seohyun.. I really wouldn't know what to do last night.. Thank you for helping me.."

Seohyun waves her hand and smiled back to him. "It was nothing, Kun.. It was all Chenle's idea.." He looks at the dining area, seeing Chenle as he sets the table with the food that he cooked. "Good morning, Kun hyung.. Let's eat!" he smiled.

Seohyun drags him cutely towards the kitchen and lets him sit at the table. "This looks good, Lele.. I've missed your delicious pancakes.." he complimented, making the smaller grins. "Then, dig in!"

While eating, Kun keeps on thanking them for helping him and letting him stay for the night. "I don't know how would I pay you, guys.. But I promise.. Once I apply for a new job and got accepted, I'll immediately pay you back.."

"There's no need for that, Kun hyung.. You really want to pay us back? Stay here at our house.." Chenle grins. Kun was shocked and quickly protested. "It's too much, Lele.. I can't do that.." Seohyun smirked at him. "Too bad, Kun.. Your stuffs are already here.."

"But, Lele-"

"It's not safe there anymore, hyung, you know it.. Plus, this house has plenty of spare rooms, so there's no problem.. You're our family, hyung.." Kun couldn't keep it in anymore and starts to cry.

Chenle felt bad so he stood up and goes to Kun, hugging him tightly. Seohyun also stood up and joins the hug. "Don't cry now, Kun.." she comforted.

The smaller pulled away and pulls out some tissue to wipe his hyung's tears. "I have another surprise for you, hyung.." Kun looks up to him, still sniffling.

"Come with me to the office, and you'll know what it is.." Chenle smiled.

Kun couldn't believed it. He is now sitting in front of Jisung's father, while sipping on a cup of coffee. "I've heard plenty of good things about you.." Nickhun smiled. Kun gulps before answering.

"What kind of things, Sir?" he stuttered. And that question made Nickhun laughs, admiring the boy's attitude on being straightforward.

"I won't beat around the bush now, Kun.. Do you want to work for me?"

In that moment, for the first time on his life, he thought that it's now getting better and better for him.

Meanwhile, Chenle is arranging some files for Jisung's meeting when the taller suddenly appeared in front of him. He looks up from his seat and immediately flashed a smile. "Good morning, Sir Jisung.."

The taller flashes a smile too before leaning closer. "Can we talk, Lele?" he asked softly. "Of course.." Chenle nods before following his boss on his office. "My childhood bestfriend who lives at California wants me to go there and present some business plans on his parents.."

Chenle's face brightens up. "Potential shareholders? That's great, Sungie!" Jisung felt relieved when he saw that the smaller is very supportive. "Well, the thing is.. I want you to come with me.." he pleads softly.

The smaller was quite surprised. "Are you sure? I don't think I'll be a help to you there.." But of course, he couldn't hide his excitement since it will be his first time to ride a plane and go overseas.

"Oh, trust me, Lele.. You'll be a big help.. You can go home now and prepare.. Our flight is tomorrow.."

Chenle couldn't believed what he heard and gasped. "But I don't even have a passport yet?" Jisung sheepishly smiled at him. "Don't worry.. Jaehyun hyung has taken care of everything.."

The smaller thought it was too fast. Next thing he knew, they're flying already, sitting at the business class of the plane. He immediately peeks at the window, admiring the beautiful clouds at the sky.

"I hope that this trip is gonna be a success.." Jisung smiled, before reclining back to his seat, preparing to sleep. Chenle reclines his seat beside the taller and answered back.

"Whatever will be, will be.. But one thing's for sure.. We're gonna nail it!"

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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