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Jisung fluttered his eyes open, feeling that someone is poking his side

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Jisung fluttered his eyes open, feeling that someone is poking his side. He rubs his eyes before looking at Chenle, smiling widely at him, still poking him. "You're awake.." the smaller smiled. His heart starts to beat erratically, seeing how cute the smaller is.

"I'm surprised that you're the first one to wake up, not me.." he groans. "Of course!" Chenle smiled proudly. "Because I didn't sleep.." he sheepishly smiled. "Why? You're gonna feel tired once we landed.. That's why I told you to sleep.."

Chenle shrugs before going to the window, peeking at the beautiful clouds, illuminated by the light of the rising sun. "I was about to sleep earlier when I heard someone talk from the speaker, saying that in 2 hours, we'll arrive at LAX.."

The taller laughs, finding Chenle's actions really cute. "Okay, okay.. Now change to formal clothes already, since we're going straight there after arriving.." Chenle excitedly nods before getting his spare clothes at his hand carry bag.

Meanwhile, Jisung went back to sleep again for a bit, gaining his energy for the business presentation.

After a couple of hours, their plane had landed at the airport. After getting their suitcases, Chenle immediately texted his aunt and Kun, informing them that they had safely arrived.

Jisung immediately inquired to rent a car at the airport for 5 days, and fortunately, he got one, with the latest model, of course. "Woah.. This is a paradise, indeed.." Chenle was in awe while looking at the beach, capturing the moment with his phone.

He drives the car in a smooth pace, so Chenle can enjoy the morning view of California. Reaching the city, he went to the nearest Starbucks since he knew that Chenle would need a caffeine on his body, to keep going.

Arriving at a large building at the center of the city, Harvey, Jisung's childhood friend, had welcomed him warmly. "Good to see you, bro!" Harvey smiled. Jisung hugs him and pats his back. "Good to see you too, Harvey.."

The boy noticed Chenle's presence and immediately acknowledged it. "Oh.. He's cute! Is he your boyfriend?" Chenle and Jisung's face immediately went red, making the boy laugh.

"He's my personal assistant, Zhong Chenle.." The smaller bowed politely in front of him. "Nice to meet you, Chenle.. Now come on in! My parents are waiting at the top floor.." Harvey smiled as he leads the way.

After Chenle had presented the introductions cheerfully, Jisung presented the company's humble beginnings, present status and future plans in terms of products and expanding.

Harvey's parents are amazed at the two, while the staffs are very eager in asking questions to them, which the two answered with wit and respect. The staffs are amazed too, seeing them being prepared, and really knew what they're talking about.

They didn't even noticed that it was mid afternoon already. "And that's a wrap! We have decided to invest in your company, Jisung.. I was amazed, and you're assistant knows how to carry himself too.."

Chenle and Jisung are really happy on the outcome, feeling proud of themselves. "You did it again, Jisungie.." the smaller smiled. Jisung couldn't stop himself patting Chenle's head.

"No, Lele.. We did it.. We both did it.."

The two was invited for a dinner hosted by Harvey's parents. It was on a elegant restaurant near the beach. They had all enjoyed the dinner and called it a night.

After a smooth car ride, they have arrived at Jisung's bachelor pad near the beach. It has two floors and has a good view of the sea. "Ocean view!" Chenle cheered, while looking from the window at Jisung's room.

"By the way, Sungie.. I can see that you only have one bed.. Well, I'll sleep at the couch downstairs.." the smaller yawned. "No.." Jisung stuttered. "We can both sleep here, since it's a king-sized bed.. If it's okay with you, Lele.." he stuttered again, while a blush crept on his face.

Chenle looks at him innocently. "Oh, okay.. Then, I'll take a bath first.." He starts to unpack his suitcase and Jisung noticed that he brought his own shampoo and soap.

"You're really loyal to my sister's products, eh?" he teased. Chenle looks at him pouts. "It's strawberry scented.. That's why I like it.." Jisung laughs. "Okay, Lele.. Now go take a bath.."

After a few more minutes of unpacking, Chenle groaned. "Oh no.. My aunt had forgot to put sleepwear in my suitcase.." Jisung looks at him and points his cabinet. "Well.. You can borrow my clothes for awhile.."

Chenle grins before standing up. "Thank you, Sungie!" He goes to the cabinet and grabs some clothes that looks way bigger to him and goes inside the bathroom.

What Jisung didn't know is a sight that he wasn't prepared for, allowing the smaller to borrow his clothes.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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