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He fluttered his eyes open as the morning sun shines on his face gently

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He fluttered his eyes open as the morning sun shines on his face gently. He sits up from his bed and stretches his arms. Standing up, he opened the curtains and smiled because of the good weather.

"What a beautiful Saturday.." Chenle grins before going to the bathroom to wash his face. He goes back to his bed and saw the blue paper bag on his desk, suddenly remembered that Jisung gave it to him last night.

He took the bag and sits on his bed, untying the ribbon of the bag. He was shocked when he saw the new iphone model inside. A note was plastered on the box and it reads:

"Don't try to return this gifts for you.. You surely deserved this.."

He opened the box excitedly and was amazed to see the new phone, since this will be his first time to have a new one, because the one that he's currently using are just hand-me-down from one of his boss on his former job.

He peeks at the bag again and saw a gold envelope at the bottom. He opened it and was shocked to see cash inside, he counted it and the total is $30,000. He couldn't believed that Jisung would do this for him.

Speaking of the latter, he remembered Jisung's words at him last night.

"You're mine only.." He didn't know why but his face starts to heat up and heart starts to beat fast as he recalled his boss' words last night. He rubs his cheeks cutely and looks at the mirror. "Why do I look so red.." he muttered.

He started his weekend by cooking a hearty breakfast for him and his aunt. After eating, he volunteered to do the laundry, taking advantage of the good weather. After his tasks, he had planned to go to a bank with his aunt so that they can save the money he had received from his boss.

"Lele.. I'll just go to the market to buy something, okay?" Seohyun yelled from the front door before going out. "Okay, aunt!" he yelled from the rooftop, hanging the laundry.

After finishing the laundry, he starts to vacuum and mop the floor, since he wants to be really productive during his weekend. He's busy mopping the floor when he heard the doorbell rang.

Chenle drops the mop and runs to the front door, opening it widely. "Who's there- Jisungie?" the taller is smiling at him, dressed on a casual attire.

Saturday is a very special day for Jisung and his whole family. It was a specific day of the week where they would go to the home for the aged called 'Warm and Cozy'. It was established by his grandmother a few years ago.

And when the time that she needed to go to USA to retire, Jisung's parents wholeheartedly accepted the role as it's caretakers, and hired some staffs to help them, since the numbers of old people that was brought to them keeps on getting bigger.

Annually, the Park Industries would release it's bonus profit, and of course, 65% goes to the Lee's, while the remaining goes to his father. The money that he would get will be immediately invested at the home for the aged.

It was a special and intimate activity for the family to volunteer every Saturday, and Jisung decided to bring Chenle there. After getting dressed, he drives straight to the smaller's house. Arriving, he knocked at the door, hoping that Chenle was free.

The door had opened and he immediately smiled, seeing the smaller dressed on a very big shirt, hair still messed up, and a surprised face, which he finds really cute. "Jisungie! What are you doing here?"

Jisung smiled and scratches his head. "Are you free today, Lele? I just want to ask a favor if you can accompany me somewhere.." Chenle's face softened and smiled cutely at him. "Of course, Jisung.. Come in first.."

"Did I disturb you or something?" Jisung asked while he took a seat on the sofa. "I just finished cleaning the house and doing the laundry.. I'll just take a bath and get dressed, okay?" He runs upstairs cutely, while Jisung watches him fondly.

While in the car, Jisung had played some music that fits to the good weather. It was IU's song entitled, 'Unlucky'. "That was my favorite song!" Chenle cheered. "Me too! IU is my favorite artist of all time.." Jisung smiled.

"Omo! Me too! I wanted to watch her concert but the tickets are already sold out.." he frowns. Jisung laughs when he saw the smaller's reaction, which made Chenle felt intrigued.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked. "Nothing.. It's just that you're cute.." Jisung smiled fondly at him. "I'm not cute!" he whined, pouting at him. He felt really flustered when Jisung is very fond at him.

Jisung laughs again on his reaction. "See? You're pouting again.. That was so cute.." Chenle huffs and looked away, making Jisung grinned. "Where are you taking me anyway?" the smaller asked softly.

"You'll see.." Jisung smiled, enjoying the car ride on a beautiful day, with a cute passenger beside him.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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