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The car ride was silent, Chenle fixes his gaze outside through the car window, staring at the streetlights along the road, while Jisung drives smoothly on the quite road of the night

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The car ride was silent, Chenle fixes his gaze outside through the car window, staring at the streetlights along the road, while Jisung drives smoothly on the quite road of the night. He looks at the smaller, who's obviously ignoring him. He chuckled, and tried his best to get his attention.

"Hey, Lele.. You're still mad at me?" Jisung asked with a smile on his face. Chenle ignores him, still staring at the window. "I'm sorry, Lele.. I was just teasing you earlier.." he smiled. The smaller looks at him with a cute pout on his face. "You're such a meanie, Jisung.."

"I am really sorry, Lele.. I promise I won't do it again.." he looks at the smaller while crossing his heart. "Okay, okay!" Chenle smiled cutely at him. "Now focus your eyes on the road.. You're driving!" he whines.

"What do you think about the dinner earlier?" Jisung asked. Chenle smiled dreamingly while looking outside. "It was good, Jisungie.. I enjoyed it.. You even asked for my former boss' help.." The taller felt proud, hearing those words from the smaller.

"Of course, it wouldn't be perfect without your special dish.." he grins. "My mom and dad insisted that because they wanted to taste it.. And I am so glad that they loved it.." he smiled.

Mentioning his father, Chenle had remembered something. "Omo! I almost forgot! I have to call Kun hyung now to discuss your father's job offer to him.." he immediately pulled out his phone from his bag.

"Oh you mean the teaching job? That would be great if he would accept the offer.. This would be a great opportunity for him.." Jisung added. Chenle starts to dial Kun's number. "I'll put it on speaker, Jisungie.. He'll be happy to hear your voice as well.." Chenle grins.

It took a few rings before it was answered. "Kun hyung? It's me, Lele-" However, he was cut off when he heard some unfamiliar noises at the other line. It appears it was a sound of something breaking.

"Kun hyung?" Chenle spoke softly. There was some hard breathing that can be heard, before an actual voice spoke. "Lele.. Help me please.." And the call was cut off. The smaller starts to panic and looks at Jisung.

"Jisungie!" Is all he could say. The taller nods before driving as fast as he can, while Chenle leads the direction. He surely won't forgive himself if something happens to his hyung.

They had reached the apartment in no time and immediately run upstairs, going the unit that was rented by Kun. Reaching the place, Chenle's eyes widened, seeing Kun hiding underneath the table.

A group of men walks around, shattering every stuff inside the room. "This wouldn't happen if you just sticked to our deal, Kun.." the man walks around. He turned around after sensing some presence at the door.

"Oh, looks who's here.. It's our lovely, Lele! Are you here to help your hyung?" he smirked. "Why are you doing this, Shark hyung?" he asked frustratedly.

Shark owns a lending company which Chenle and Kun was affiliated, a long time ago. They would borrow money from him when the ends won't meet. And Chenle had promised to himself on not getting involved again to him.

"He wouldn't pay the $10,000 that he borrowed, Lele.. And you know what happens to people who don't keep to their promises with me, right?" Kun went out and shouts at him. "It was $5,000 only, hyung!"

Shark laughs before glaring at him. "You know how interests work at my company, right?" he smirked. Before he could do something else again, Jisung goes inside and hands the $10,000 cash on the man.

"Here.. Now leave us alone, will you?" he glared. Shark laughs before getting the money as fast as he can. "Oohh.. You're quite loaded.. Are you Lele's boyfriend?" he laughs.

"Leave, Shark hyung! Before I call the police.." Chenle glares at him. "Relax, Lele.." Shark raises his arms. "See you next time.." he laughs while walking out, signalling his men to go too.

Chenle immediately runs to Kun and hugged him. Meanwhile, Jisung felt relieved that Kun is safe. The smaller insisted Kun to stay at his house for the night, which Kun happily accepted.

Reaching his house, Seohyun felt relieved to see Kun safe and helps him get settled on the guest room. Jisung is just waiting outside, letting the smaller comfort his hyung.

Chenle went outside and looks at Jisung with sad eyes. He sniffles before running toward Jisung's arms, crying on his chest. The taller engulfes him on a warm hug, while caressing comforting rubs on his back.

"Shh.. Shh.. Stop crying, Lele.. Kun hyung is safe now.." he whispered softly.

And in that moment, he promised to himself to be always be there for Chenle and be his crying shoulder when things get a little bit hard.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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