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It was a big day for Jisung

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It was a big day for Jisung. It is the day where Madame Han's secretary would visit their company to check on their bussiness proposal and plans. If the secretary would've like it, there's a big chance that Madame Han would invest tons of money.

Getting a powerful investor like Madame Han, Jisung thought that it would give his family the leverage to have the same level of shares and authority with the Lee's. It will pay off the hard work of his father towards the company.

Quite nervous, he looks in front of the mirror and fixes his tie. He wants everything to be perfect and goes to the way that he planned. He and Chenle had prepared the presentation for the plans, and even rehearsed it up to the last minute.

The door of his pad suddenly opened, revealing Chenle who's smiling widely at him. "Are you ready, Jisungie?" he asked. Jisung looks at him and releases a deep breath. "A little nervous and excited at the same time.."

Chenle went closer to him and fixes his tie properly. "Well, don't be nervous.. We have prepared for this and I know that you'll do well.." The smaller pats his chest, checking him out. "Your look suggests for a celebration because you're gonna win this thing!" he cheered.

Jisung laughs, easing the nervousness inside of him. "Thank you, Lele.." he smiled softly. "Anytime.." he smiled back. He was about to go to the kitchen to prepare a light breakfast for him when the taller suddenly pulled him for a hug.

"I mean it.. Thank you so much, Lele.. I do think that I couldn't done this without your help.." he smiled as he engulfes the smaller with warm hug. Chenle hugs back and pats his back. "I do also mean it, Sungie.. I'm always here for you.."

Chenle pulled away and goes to the kitchen. "Now, let's make you some pancakes.." Jisung nods happily to him.

Madame Han's secretary, Ms. Irene Bae, had arrived at the company on time. Everyone's eyes are on her, feeling intimadated by just looking at her. "She's beautiful.." Jeno whistled. Renjun and Jaemin glared at him.

He laughs before sliding both of his arms on Jaemin and Renjun's waist. "Relax.. You two are still the most beautiful for me.." he winked. "Urgh.. Gross!" Haechan teased. "I wish Markie are here with me.."

Renjun rolled his eyes. "Urgh! You're gross too, Haechanie!"

Jisung greeted the woman at the front entrance of the conference room, where the presentation will be held. "Good morning, Ms. Bae.." he bowed. The woman smiled at him, and also smiled at Chenle who's standing behind him.

"Good morning, Mr. Park Jisung.. And to you too, Mr. Zhong Chenle.." Both boys are stunned in front of her. Irene laughs at them softly. "Don't be shocked, boys.. It's my job to know the names of who will I talking with.. Now, let's settle inside, shall we?"

All of the shareholders, including Chansung and Lami are also present at the meeting. Jisung is standing nervously in front of them while Chenle starts to display his presentation. He noticed that Chansung is smirking at him, but he ignored it.

"You may start your presentation, Mr. Park.." Irene smiled. Jisung gulps before looking at Chenle. The smaller smiled at him, signalling him that everything is gonna be alright. He took a deep breath before starting.

Jisung had started on a very comfortable pace and had explained all the proposals if Madame Han would decide to invest on them. On the middle of his presentation, a shareholder had raised his hand.

"Mr. Park, we have received some reports from our customers about defective handsets.. Are you really monitoring the production for this?" He was caught off guard by that question, and looks at Chenle.

Chenle also didn't know what to do. Chansung raises his hand to gather attention. "Perhaps, is it your first time to hear about this issue? I thought that you're hands on to everything.."

Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan looks at each other too, first time hearing the issue as well.

Jisung sighed before answering. "Yes, it was my first time to hear this issue.."

Chansung scoffs. "Oh.. I didn't expected that.. Maybe because you're too busy gathering investors that you forgot about our production.. Is money the only matters to you?"

Jisung couldn't answer.

"I think that was too selfish of yours, Mr. Park.. You're so ambitious that you got blinded by money.. Why? You want to be the new chairman now?"

All the shareholders are now murmuring to each other. Jisung bowed down as he clenched his fists. "If you'll excuse me.." he softly said before leaving the room.

Chansung stood up and took the floor. "Since our president couldn't answer this issues because of his incompetence, I will.." he grins, as he took over the presentation and displayed his own.

Meanwhile, Chenle was angry for what the chairman did. He didn't have to shame Jisung in front of all shareholders, especially Ms. Bae. Chansung had started his presentation while Irene looks really bored.

After an hour, the meeting had adjourned and Irene immediately left since she has other schedules to attend.  While Chenle packs his things, the four boys went to him.

"Hyungs.. Jisung.." is all he could say. "That was too cruel.." Jaemin rolled his eyes. "You should check on Jisung.." Renjun suggested. Chenle smiled to all of them. "Of course, hyung.. I'll be going now.. I'll update you, hyungs.."

Chenle immediately runs to the door, getting really worried for Jisung. The taller was there when he needs him, and now it is his turn to be there for him.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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