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Chenle had arrived at a very posh and elegant restaurant near at the company

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Chenle had arrived at a very posh and elegant restaurant near at the company. He felt very under-dressed because of the elegance oozing at the main door of the place. He goes to the receptionist and smiled. "Do you have any reservations, Sir?" the old man asked.

He looks again at the card which the chairman gave him, because it all contains the details for this meet-up. "Uhm.. I have a reservation under Future Industries, never heard this company before.." The old man's eyes widened, and he immediately ushered inside.

"You must be the young master's guest, sorry if I couldn't recognize you earlier, Sir Chenle.." he bowed while walking. "Oh no.. Please, just call me Chenle.." he smiled, while the old man leads him to a more elegant part of the place. Every furniture, every detail, it screams money.

He was not surprised when he saw Felix, waiting at him at the table, and had this indescribable smirk on his face that Chenle had disliked the moment he saw it. "Thank you, old man.. You may now leave.. Go!" he shooed the old man away.

"Please take a seat, Chenle.." he smiled. The smaller took a seat unwillingly and goes straight in asking the latter. "What's this all about?" Felix smirked and sipped on his wine. "Relax, cutie.. We've got the whole night to spend.."

Chenle rolled his eyes. "I'll be giving you 10 minutes, and I'll be leaving.." Felix laughs at him loud. "Oohh.. Sassy.. That's why I like you.." He clapped his hands and a woman appeared from the door, handing Chenle some documents and a pen.

"What's this?" he asked. "See for yourself.." Felix smiled at him.

Meanwhile, Jisung had finished his meeting and is excited to go back at the company again. On the way back, he decided to drop by on a specific store to buy a gift for Chenle, since he wanted to express his gratitude to the smaller in helping him.

Arriving at his office on the top floor, with a gift on his hand, he immediately searches for Chenle. However, the smaller could not be found. He went to the other office and asked his hyungs on where the smaller is.

"We haven't seen him since after lunch.." Renjun replied. Jisung had tried to call him, but the smaller is not answering. "Where would he go?" he thought to himself.

A knock can be heard from the door, seeing Lami entered the office quietly. "Jisung? Perhaps, are you looking for Chenle?" Jisung immediately nods, making Lami smirked. "I know where he is.."

He felt betrayed and hurt. Hearing that Chenle had gone out to discuss some offer from their competitor company, from his former bestfriend who did him bad. But, he didn't want to believe it. He knows Chenle and he won't do that.

Knowing where the restaurant is, he drives his car really fast. Reaching the place, he immediately walked inside and goes to the another area, since Lami spilled everything to him. Making a turn, his chest hurt and his knees feels weak, seeing Chenle, holding a pen, while looking at the document at the table.

He couldn't take it anymore so he left the place and drives straight to home.

Meanwhile, Chenle couldn't believe what he is seeing right now. Not because of the huge amount and incentives that was offered to him, but how Felix wants him to transfer to their company.

"What do you think, Chenle? That's $50,000 per month, plus incentives.. Clearly with Jisung, you're on the losing side.." he laughs. He felt excited seeing Chenle getting the pen and was about to sign the contract.

He did not expect what happened next. Chenle crossed out the whole document with the pen and laughs sarcastically. "Are you insane?!" Felix yelled. Chenle drops the pen and glares at him. "The moment you did this, you showed me that you're on the losing side, Felix.."

He stood up and glares at him for the last time. "If you tried to mess up with Jisung again, you'll be dealing with me.." lifting his small little fist, giving him a warning. Then he left, leaving Felix dumbfounded.

Chenle felt proud while walking away, and was excited to tell Jisung what he did, but what he didn't know is Jisung misunderstood everything. He returned at the office was surprised to be informed that his boss went home early.

"Can you check on him, Chenle? Maybe he's sick.." Jaemin frowns. The smaller nods before taking a taxi towards Jisung's home. Arriving at the place, he immediately scanned his finger to the door.

Midnight immediately runs to him and licks his face. "Hello, midnight.." he smiled, and rubs the dog's belly. He goes straight to the living room and saw that no one is there. "Jisungie?" he called.

He goes to the bedroom and saw the taller laying at the bed, his face buried on the sheets. "Jisungie? Are you okay?" he asked. "Go away!" the taller mumbles. "Why? What are you saying-"

"I said, go away!" Jisung yelled. Chenle was confused. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked softly. The taller stood up from the bed and glares at him. "So, how was the offer of Felix? Is it higher than what you earned here? You could have tell me, Chenle!" his face full of sadness.

The smaller was surprised that Jisung knew what happened.

"I declined it.." he looks down. He felt bad seeing his boss acting like that, he made him feel that he's gonna leave him. "What?" the taller stuttered. "I declined it.. He's a bully, why would I work for him?"

"Is it true?" the taller asked again. Chenle nods and smiled at him. "I would never leave you, Jisungie.. I love working with you and I am sorry if I made you feel-"

He was surprised when Jisung immediately pulled him for a tight hug, hugging him like he was about to be taken away. "I'm scared that I might lose you.." Jisung mumbles on his hair.

He hugged back and softly pats Jisung's back. "Don't be, cause I'm not leaving.." he smiled. But what he didn't expect are the words coming out from his boss' mouth, which made him feel things and a fast heart beat.

"You're mine only, remember that, Lele.."

His face became a flustered mess, hearing those words. It felt so good, it felt so right. "Hmmm.." is all he could answer, nuzzling his face on the taller's chest.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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