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Chenle had woke up really early because his aunt and Kun will go to Busan and will spend three days there, using the ticket that Chenle had won at the mini game in their office

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Chenle had woke up really early because his aunt and Kun will go to Busan and will spend three days there, using the ticket that Chenle had won at the mini game in their office. It was a ticket for two, so he decided to give it to his aunt and Kun.

"Enjoy your weekend there, guys!" he kissed his aunt on her cheek and engulfing Kun in a tight hug. "You sure you really want us to use this ticket?" Kun asked. Chenle smiled happily on both of them.

"Of course.. I'll be fine.. I guess I'll have to enjoy a 'me' time here at house as well.." he grins. A car had stopped in front of their house. "That must be the Uber!" Chenle exclaimed. He pushed the two towards the car.

"Enjoy, Aunt! Kun hyung!" he cheered, helping the driver in loading up the suitcases at the trunk. Then, he remembered something so he goes to the car window and knocks. Kun opened the window and looks at him.

He immediately handed a white envelope on his hand. "Buy me plenty of souveneirs!" Kun was about to protest, not willing to accept the money. However, Chenle had got away really fast.

"Bye! Enjoy!" he grins, waving at them. The car starts to zoom away and Chenle watches it while disappearing from far away. He goes inside and checks the clock. "Ooh.. It's 5 in the morning.." he yawned.

He decided not to sleep and made a quick tidying around the house. He cooked a simple breakfast, took a bath, got dressed and he still have plenty of time. Seeing the clock that it was already 7 in the morning, his phone had received a message.

He didn't know why but ever since they came back from USA, words from Jessica's mouth about his feelings still made him feel things

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He didn't know why but ever since they came back from USA, words from Jessica's mouth about his feelings still made him feel things. Especially when Jisung would say things like, 'Take care'.. Or would call his nickname, his heart would beat really fast.

He typed a short reply before fixing his stuff.

After a few minutes, Mark had honked the car in front of the house, and Chenle went out immediately, hoping that this would be a good day

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After a few minutes, Mark had honked the car in front of the house, and Chenle went out immediately, hoping that this would be a good day.

Is it?

Arriving at the company, Chenle immediately noticed that something was off. Employees outside are talking to each other, looking devastated. "What happened, hyung?" he asked, as their car approached the grounds.

Mark also observed that there's something wrong. "I don't know, Lele.. But I don't feel so good about this.. Maybe you should get home.." he looks at him at the backseat worriedly.

Chenle shakes his head. "No, hyung.. I can't.. Jisung had appointed me and Haechan hyung to be the OIC's for the day.." Mark tried to protest but Chenle was firm to his decision.

"But, Lele-" The smaller smiled at him and pats his shoulder. "I'll be fine, hyung.. Me and Haechan hyung will be fine, I promise.." Mark nods and pats his shoulder. "Okay, Lele.. I trust you.. Try to stay vigilant, okay?"

"Of course, hyung.." he smiled as he went out of the car.

Upon entering the company, he looks around and had observed that most of the employees are on their smartphone, looking for something. He goes straight at the elevator, and when he reached the top floor, things get a little messier.

Haechan immediately runs to him, catching his breath. "What happened, hyung?" he asked. "We're in trouble, Lele! Big trouble!" He drags Chenle to the office and made him look at the new advertisement from the other company.

Chenle looks at the phone that being advertised, feeling the familiarity. That's when it hit him. "Wait.. Is that the phone that we're gonna supposed to launch next month? How did this happened? Even the features are similar!" he gasped.

"I don't know, Lele.. After I arrived here, I saw Lami, talking to some prosecutors and asking them to have this investigated immediately.." Haechan is still catching his breath.

"Well.. That was a good thing, having this investigated, right?" he asked. "I hope so, Chenle.." the latter sighed.

After a few moments, Lami appeared with two prosecutors behind her. Chenle and Haechan runs to her. "What happened, Lami? Did someone leaked the information of our new phone?" Haechan asked.

Lami acted like she was a little disappointed and tired. "Yes, Haechan.. Someone did leaked the information to our rival company.. And we already know who the culprit is.."

"Who?" Chenle asked.

Lami looks at her and pointed him. "Arrest him!" The prosecutors quickly grabbed Chenle and put some handcuffs on him. Chenle was surprised as well.

"What? I didn't leaked it!" Chenle protested. "Sorry, Sir.. But the email and the computer that was used to send the information are yours.. And all evidence are pointing out to you as well.."

Chenle couldn't believed it. He looked around to ask for Haechan's help but the boy suddenly disappeared. "Haechan hyung?" he looked around, but no sign of him.

"Looks like Haechan abandoned you as well.." Lami smirked at him. "I didn't know that you're capable of doing this, Chenle.. How much did they pay you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" he yelled. "Bring him in for questioning.." Lami smirked, as the two prosecutors dragged him away.

"Goodbye, Chenle.." Lami laughs, feeling happy that her plan had worked smoothly.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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