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He still couldn't believed it, he has now his first investor of the company

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He still couldn't believed it, he has now his first investor of the company. He felt proud, feeling accomplished that after all these years, he had managed to get his very own, and not from the chairman himself.

And, of course, he couldn't done it with his assistant's helping hand. He appreciated Chenle's fighting spirit on not giving up. And now, he's still engulfing the said male on a warm hug.

Chenle just let his boss hug him, the gratitude of helping him can be felt on that simple hug, no words, just pure and sincere act of hug. However, he can feel some tears, wetting his hair. He looked up and saw Jisung crying.

He immediately wiped it with his thumb and smiled at his boss. "Why are you crying, Jisungie? We're supposed to be happy.. You did it.. You managed to win their votes and trusted you.." Jisung sniffles before looking at him.

"No, Chenle.. We did it.." he smiled. "If you're not there, maybe I had lost this chance and never got to present in front of them.." Chenle playfully pokes his cheek to comfort him. "Which is why I will not let it go to waste.. Not under my watch, Jisungie.." he assured the taller.

Jisung couldn't help but to cry again, and hugs the smaller really tight for the second time. "Aigoo.. You're a big baby, you know?" Chenle teased. "I am not!" Jisung whined, mumbling on his hair.

Meanwhile, they didn't noticed that someone is watching them. Felix feels really angry right now, because it was his first time to be beaten by Jisung, and he couldn't accept it.

"I'll make sure to crush you, Jisung Park.." he glared at the boy, who's still hugging his assistant. "I know how to beat you now.. You've found your ball of sunshine by your side.." He noticed earlier on how Chenle calms him during the presentation.

He diverts his gaze on the smaller with a smirk on his face. "And I'm gonna take away that sunshine from you.."

"Where do you want to eat? My treat.." Jisung smiled, looking at Chenle through the mirror. They are now at the car, driving back to Seoul. "How about you, Mark hyung? Where do you want to eat?"

"Anywhere, as long as I can eat already.. I'm starving.." he sheepishly smiled. "Then shall we go to a steak house?" he asked. While Mark gave some thoughts about it, Chenle suddenly thought of a good place.

"I know a good place where we can eat!" he smiled, raising his hand like a little kid. "Oohh.. I definitely trust Chenle on this one.." Mark smiled. "Okay, Lele.. Lead the way!" Jisung cheered.

The smell of the meat surrounds the whole place, mixing with the noise of grilling meat and happy people who shares with it. It was Jisung's first time at a barbecue place, so it was very new to him.

"I really missed this! Hmmm.. Samgyupsal, here we go!" Chenle smiled, before going inside. Mark followed him like a lost puppy, so Jisung did the same. Thankfully, it was not crowded that time, so they get to choose the grilling table that they wanted.

"So, we're gonna cook our own food?" Jisung asked. "Yes!" Chenle answered cheerfully. "And I'll be the one to do it, so that you can taste my specialty when it comes to samgyupsal.." he smiled.

"I'll just go to the bathroom.." Mark excused himself. Chenle was about to order when he saw a familiar face at the counter. "Boss!" he called. The man looks at him and smiled widely. "Chenle! You're here! It's good to see you!"

Chenle stood up and hugs the man. The man pulled away and looks at Jisung. "Oh, Lele.. I see that you've got a very handsome boyfriend, eh?" Both of them became flustered when they heard that.

"He's my boss!" he whined, making the man laugh. "Jisung.. Meet my former boss.. I had worked here for six months and he's been good to me.." Jisung stood up and bowed before offering his hand. "Good evening, Sir.. I am Park Jisung, Chenle's boss.." The man shakes his hand before pulling him to hug.

"Please take care of our Chenle really well.." he whispered. Jisung smiled before answering softly. "I will, Sir.."

Meanwhile, Felix is now being scolded by Chansung on the phone. "I gave you the chance, Felix.. And yet, you let it go to waste and let Jisung beat you.. I think you're the pathetic one here.."

Felix grips his phone really hard, his teeth gritting through anger. "I'm so sorry, Uncle.. But don't worry, I know how to beat him this time.. Can I ask a favor, Uncle?"

"You better succeed this time, Felix.. What is it?" he asked. "Can you give all the details about his cute, little assistant?"

Chansung smiled, getting on what kind of plan goes to Felix' mind. "I see.. I'll send it to you.." he smirked, before hanging up the call.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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