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Chenle opened his eyes slowly as the morning sunlight illuminates his face

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Chenle opened his eyes slowly as the morning sunlight illuminates his face. He rubs his eyes cutely and saw Jisung laying beside him, staring at his face. The taller silently cooed at the cuteness of the smaller.

"Good morning, Lele.." he smiled. Chenle smiled at him, his eyes disappearing into straight line which made him cuter for the taller's eyes. "Good morning, Sungie.." he said softly. "Did you have a good sleep?"

The smaller nods before moving closer to Jisung. He laid down his head on the taller's chest and closed his eyes. "Aigoo.. Still sleepy.." Jisung cooed as he hugged Chenle closer before leaving a peck on his forehead.

Chenle had slowly lifted his head and reaches for his phone at the bedside table. He looks at the time and saw that it was 6 in the morning already. He looks back at Jisung and grins.

"We still have plenty of time left before going to work, I'll cook some delicious breakfast for us.. What do you want to eat, Sungie?" Jisung smirks before leaning closer, kissing his earlobe softly which made him yelped.

"You.." he whispered seductively.

Chenle pulled away immediately and pinches his tummy. "Ouch.." Jisung pouts. "Pervert.." Chenle pouts too, which made Jisung pulled him again closer. "Only for you, love.."

The smaller stood up from the bed and stretches his arms for a while. "Let's take a bath first.." Jisung smirks at him again. "Shall we take a bath together?" The smaller rolled his eyes before going to the bathroom, filling the tub with warm water.

He pours some essential oils that he found on the cabinet at the bathroom. He went out and saw Jisung, still laying sleepily at the bed. "Take a bath now, Sungie.. I'll just check your fridge and decide what to cook.."

Jisung makes grabby hands in front of him. "Where's my morning kiss first?" Chenle rolled his eyes again before leaning down to kiss his boyfriend softly. Pulling away, he points out the bathroom. "Now go.."

"Okay okay.." Jisung whines as he walks to the bathroom.

Closing the door, he stripped all of his clothes before sinking in at the warm water of the tub. "Aaah.. This is so relaxing.." he smiled. However, he was surprised when he saw the bathroom door opened with Chenle getting inside.

He blushes and tries to sink more at the water, hiding his naked body in front of his boyfriend, which made Chenle laugh. "What? You're inviting me to take a bath together and now you're getting shy?"

"I'm not shy!" he stuttered.

"Okay.." Chenle smirks as he strips down his clothes in front of him. Jisung couldn't look at him, blush starts to creep on his face. Fully naked in front of him, he made his way inside the tub and joins him.

"Aah.. The water feels good.." Chenle moaned out, which made Jisung think of not so innocent things. However, his mind went crazy when Chenle stood up in front of him, before sitting on his lap.

The smaller wraps his arms around Jisung's neck, while the taller immediately wraps his arms on Chenle's waist. "This is more I like it.." the smaller grins before kissing Jisung.

Jisung responded hungrily, while his hands reaches all over Chenle's body. He was worried that he may not control himself, but he had successfully restrained himself. After the kiss, Chenle had laid down his head on Jisung's shoulder.

They didn't mind being naked and being close to each other. They had enjoyed the intimacy between them, and spent the morning like that; relaxing at the water, and maybe stealing a few kisses from each other's lips.

Nickhun had arrived at the company with a heavy heart. After what he heard about what happened during the presentation on Madame Han's business proposal, he immediately wanted to talk to Chansung.

Barging on his office, his friend had welcomed him with a smile. "Hey, Nickhun.. What are you doing here?" he asked. "You didn't have to shame my son in front of the potential investor, especially in front of all the shareholders.."

"I didn't embarrass him, Nick.. I just stated the fact that he's not doing the right thing and his mind is only focused on getting the company.. Is that how you taught him? To get back at me?" he glares.

"Get back at you? For what?" he asked.

"Don't play dumb on me, Nick.. You're just jealous and you can't accept the fact that I'm the one who made this company to be like this.." he laughs.

"Are you insane?" Nickhun asked.

"Just to tell you, my friend.. Almost all of the shareholders had lost their trust to Jisung.. And I am trying to save him.. To save this company because I know that this is everything to you.. And you know what? I have received a word that Madame Han is not investing on us.."

Nickhun looks at him sadly.

"Now, my friend.. If you wanted to save this company, the only solution is to marry Jisung on my daughter, Lami.. In that way, all the shareholders would gain their trust on him again.."

"But I can't meddle with my son's heart-"

"This company? Or your son's heart? Think about it, Nick.." he pats his shoulder before sitting again on his chair.

Nickhun shakes his head. "I'll think first about your offer.." he groans before leaving the office. Chansung laughs before sipping on his coffee. "Mission success.." he whispered to himself.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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