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Jessica beams as she looks at the food that was laid beautifully at the table

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Jessica beams as she looks at the food that was laid beautifully at the table. All the korean food that she loves are there: potato pancakes, soybean paste soup, kimchi, beef bulgogi and tuna kimbap. Her mouth waters as she admired all of it.

"Hope that you like it, Nana.." Chenle smiled. The old woman immediately engulfes him on a tight hug. "Thank you, Chenle.. I'll never forget this.." She pulled away and looks at the food again. "Can we now eat?"

Jisung and Chenle laughs, seeing that the old woman is on happy mood. "Of course, Nana.. Dig in!" Chenle cheered. All of them are now eating, enjoying the food. "You're a great cook, Chenle!" Jessica complimented him.

Chenle became flustered, not getting used to on compliments. "It is a pleasure to cook for you, Nana.. And also, I made a big tub of kimchi and had put it on your fridge.. It is best to let it stay for a week before eating, Nana.."

"Thank you for this, Chenle.. Really it is my first time again to taste Korean food.. I don't know how to cook, and my caretaker only knows how to cook Western food.."

Jisung took a big bite of the bulgogi, leaving stains all over his mouth. "Glad that you've liked it, Nana.. Lele is really a great cook.." he smiled. Chenle noticed Jisung's face and immediately wiped it with his thumb.

"You eat like a baby.." the smaller teased, making him flustered. Jessica noticed it and starts to commence her little plan, wanting to help his grandson.

"So, Jisung.." she started. "Do you have a girlfriend or something?" Jisung didn't expected the question and almost choked on his food. "Uhm.. I'm still single, Nana.."

Jessica laughs on his answer. "Aigoo.. My little innocent baby.." She reaches on his face and pinched his cheek. "Nana.. It's embarrassing!" he whined. Then, she looks at her next target.

"How about you, Chenle? Do you have a special someone?" she asked. The smaller gulps his water before answering. "I'm single too, Nana.. And I think that I have no interest, getting involve to someone too.."

That answer made Jisung frown a little bit, which the old woman noticed. "And why is that?" she asked.

"I don't know.. I guess I still don't know how it works? But I know things, of course, I'm not that innocent.. But I think if someone approach me, I'll give it a chance.."

Jessica smiled widely and looks at Jisung, winking at him. Jisung blushes, hiding it by looking down on his lap. "Why are you smiling, Nana?" Chenle asked.

She waved her hands. "It was nothing, Chenle.. Maybe your answer is a good news for someone.." The smaller tilts his head, still not getting it. Jessica laughs on him.

"Aigoo.. You're too innocent, Chenle.. Too innocent.."

They're now drinking tea at the living room after the hearty lunch that Chenle had prepared. Jessica took out some old photo albums, wanting to show all the pictures that she truly cherished.

"Look, Chenle.. It is Jisung's 4th Birthday Party.." The smaller smiled as he looks at the picture. It was Jisung, standing cutely at the table, blowing his cake, surrounded by other kids.

"It's so cute!" Chenle cooed, making Jisung shy again. However, the next picture made the smaller flustered, making him imagining the things that he didn't need to see. It was picture of 10 year old Jisung, running naked along the beach.

Jisung immediately noticed it and covers the picture with his hands. "Nana!" Jisung whined, making the old woman laugh. "What?! It was so cute, though!" Jessica laughs again.

The taller immediately closed the album and pulled it away from his grandmother. "Where shall I put this?" he asked. "You're no fun, Jisung.. Boo.." Jessica whined playfully. "You can return to it at my bedroom upstairs.."

Jisung turned back and starts to make his way towards the stairs. Jessica looks at Chenle again, starting to ask her controversial question again. "Is it really true, Chenle? Not interested in getting a special someone?"

Chenle sips on his tea. "I still don't know, Nana.. I don't know how it works, or how to feel.." he shyly admitted. Jessica leaned closer, really invested on Chenle's feelings.

"Then, I'll help you.." she smiled. Deep inside her, she knew something about Chenle's feelings, considering how he acted towards Jisung. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath.."

The smaller followed the instructions carefully. "I want you to think of a person that will immediately appear on your mind, based on the situations that I'll give, okay?"

"Okay, Nana.." Chenle answered softly.

"I want you to think of a person that you're most comfortable with.. Like you can share everything to that person.."

Chenle thinks deeply as he listened to Jessica's voice.

"You feel safe and warm when this person is around you.. You want to take care of this person through sickness.. Time flies so fast when you're with this person, that you didn't want it to end.."

He gulps, an image starts to form on his mind.

"Last, but not the least, you're seeing yourself, spending your whole life with this person.."

Chenle was taken back. Jisung's face appeared on his mind. He opened his eyes and looks at Jessica. "How did it go, Chenle?"

Suddenly, Jisung appeared from upstairs, noticing Chenle's flushed face. "You're red, Lele.. Are you alright?" The smaller immediately looked away, feeling his heart beating really fast.

"I'm okay, Sungie.." he stuttered.

Jessica laughs and pats Chenle's head. "Looks like you have figured it out.." she grins, making the smaller even more flustered. Jisung is looking at them, couldn't get what's happening.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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