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While the smaller is taking a bath, Jisung started to sort out the documents that he needs to submit to Harvey's parents, as they requested to have a hard copy of it

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While the smaller is taking a bath, Jisung started to sort out the documents that he needs to submit to Harvey's parents, as they requested to have a hard copy of it. They both decided to finish it before sleeping, so that they can spend the last 4 days at California, resting and relaxing.

As he started to compile the reports, his mind went off when he heard Chenle humming softly while taking a bath. He didn't know why, but his soft and beautiful voice really calms him.

Not to mention the strawberry scent that oozes from the bathroom. His mind wander on how would Chenle look on his clothes, and that thought immediately made his face blushed. "It feels hot in here.." Jisung wipes his forehead.

He went downstairs to the kitchen to drink some water, trying to calm his nerves. After a few moments, he went back to the room, seeing Chenle going out from the bathroom, with his clothes.

He practically drooled at the moment, seeing how his shirt looks really big at him, and yet making him look fluffly. It reaches down to his mid thighs, covering the boxer shorts that he's wearing, making him look like he's wearing nothing underneath.

Chenle smiles at him awkwardly. "Is it really okay if I wear this, Sungie?" However, Jisung's focus is on Chenle and Chenle only. "Hey, Sung.." he waves his hands in front of him.

He broke out from his daze and stuttered while answering. "I- Yeah.. You look pretty- I mean you look good.." he smiled awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck. He noticed that the smaller's face goes a little bit red.

"Thank you, Sungie.." Chenle stuttered too. "I'll be taking a bath now.." Jisung announced, grabbing some clothes and towel from his cabinet before running towards the bathroom.

Chenle softly laughs before going to the table, seeing that Jisung has already started to compile the reports.

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Jisung stripped off all his clothes and went to the shower, letting the hot water flows smoothly to his body. "Did I act weird earlier?" he asked himself.

It was almost midnight, and they're still arranging all the reports that they need to submit. Jisung noticed that the smaller is dozing off already, swaying his head back and forth, his eyes slowly closing.

"You can go to sleep now, Lele.." Jisung said softly. Chenle lifts his head up and tried to stay awake, looking at Jisung. "No.. We should finish this.." he yawned. Jisung clicks his tongue, before standing up, assisting the smaller to the bed.

"Sleep.. You need it.. You didn't even sleep while we're on the plane.. I can finish this by myself.." Chenle didn't even protest anymore, as tiredness took over his body. He lays at the the other side of the bed, immediately falling asleep.

Jisung laughs before covering the fluffy blankets over him. He went back to the table and finishes the report, making the final touches before deciding to go to sleep too, feeling really tired.

After closing his laptop, he turns off the lamp and goes to the bed, seeing the smaller sleeping like a baby, facing at the other side. Jisung chuckles before laying down, facing the other side as well.

As he close his eyes, he immediately fell asleep.

He thought he was imagining things when he heard a soft whimper. However, the soft whimper turned into sniffles. He opened his eyes and looks at the clock at the bedside table.

It was 2 in the morning, that's why he felt really tired. As he was about to close his eyes, he heard the sniffles again, but this time, it was quite louder.

He switches over and saw Chenle, crying softly while sleeping. He gets up immediately and turns on the lamp, before waking the smaller.

"He's having a bad dream, I guess.." he said to himself. He shakes the boy softly, waking him successfully. "Hey.. Are you okay? You're crying.."

Chenle looks at him softly, showing that he's still not aware that he's awake. He sniffled again, before launching himself on Jisung's arms, settling comfortably on his lap.

Jisung hugs him tight, while rubbing comforting circles on his back. "Hey.. I'm here.. Don't cry.." He looks at the smaller's face and wipes his tears. He didn't know why he did it, but he leaves a soft, loving kiss on the smaller's forehead.

With Chenle still on his lap, he lays down on the bed again, with the smaller comfortably laying on his body. Chenle wraps his arms on Jisung's torso, before nuzzling his face on his chest.

Jisung smiled as he hugged the smaller closer, before leaving a peck on his forehead again. "Good night, baby.." he whispered, not noticing the pet name that came from his mouth.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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