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Jisung keeps on tossing and rolling on his bed, couldn't sleep because of the pressure for tomorrow's presentation

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Jisung keeps on tossing and rolling on his bed, couldn't sleep because of the pressure for tomorrow's presentation. He needs to present his upcoming plans to the shareholders, making sure that it was aligned towards success.

He reaches up to his phone at the bedside table and immediately chatted someone. He smiled widely, having to talk to the person whom he only met at a online site, and they're now chatting to each other for a year.

He felt comfortable as how his friend immediately gets what he said, always comforting him when he's sad. And now that his friend had opened up a problem about career and work, he tried his best and offered some help.

It's been five minutes, and his chat mate hasn't replied yet, so he assumed that he fell asleep. He quickly sends a 'good night' and places his phone back to the bedside table.

"Good night, Cheon-Lei.." he smiled cutely, before falling into sleep.

Meanwhile, Jaehyun is still at the office, checking the applications one by one, seeing if they're deemed worthy to become Jisung's executive and personal assistant. He tirelessly reads all the answers that the interested applicants submitted.

He already chose three applicants who has good educational background and experiences, but another one had caught his attention. He reads the answer and couldn't help but to smile, since it was written full of sincerity and honesty.

"You're extraordinary, Zhong Chenle.." he smiled before closing his laptop.

Chenle woke up early as usual and prepares a hearty breakfast for them. After eating breakfast with his aunt, he cleans the whole house, and even doing the laundry. "Need to be productive today.." he smiled, while hanging the laundry.

While doing so, his phone ring-ed and he immediately pulled it out from his pocket. He greeted cheerfully and listened intently to the caller. His face became blank and he only answered plenty of "yes" to the caller.

Hanging up the call, he slowly places his phone back to his pocket and screeched. "AAAAAHHHHH!" Seohyun immediately goes to him. "What happened, Lele?! Are you okay?" Chenle looks at her with surprised reaction.

"I passed the preliminary interview for the executive assistant position, Aunt.. At Park Industries.." he stuttered. Seohyun's eyes widened with happiness. "Omooo! Congratulations, Lele! When will be the next interview?"

"Today at 11 AM.." he replied absentmindedly. Seohyun looks at her watch, and immediately pulls Chenle towards inside. "It's already 8:30, we need to prepare you now!"

Chenle was very impressed, as he was standing in front of the enormous building of Park Industries. Instead of being nervous, excitement has filled his heart, and to do better at the interview.

He just wore a white polo, which looks really worn out, but Seohyun ironed it as carefully as she can to make it look decent. He took a deep breath before going to the entrance. As he walked along, he suddenly heard a crack, coming from his shoes.

That's when he noticed that his other shoe broke, the sole is almost removed underneath. He immediately goes to the reception area and borrowed a adhesive tape to fix his shoe temporarily, and it did save his shoe.

After the sudden distress, he asked the reception in regards with the interview, and the staff immediately pointed her out to the 10th floor, where the interview will be held. "Thank you very much!" he bowed down politely before entering the elevator.

Pressing the button to the 10th floor, the doors had closed and rises up to his destination. "You can do this, Chenle! Fighting!" he cheered himself. For what awaits on him will be the greatest change on his life.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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