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That night, Lami was stressed as she walks around her office

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That night, Lami was stressed as she walks around her office. Almost all of the employees are gone since it was late, but she's still there, worrying. She heard that Chenle has been released, and it means that her plan failed.

Sunny entered her office, seeing her daughter paces worriedly around the office. "What is happening to you? Can't you relax for a minute?" Lami had stopped for a second and glares at her mother.

"Relax?! Are you serious, Mom?! My plan had failed! And it's hard to know that Jisung went back from Singapore, just to rescue his secretary.. And it shows that Chenle is so important on his life, Mom!" she yelled.

Sunny goes to her and engulfes her on a hug. "Everything will go to your way soon, love.." she tried to comfort her daughter. Lami hugs back and whispered something to her mom.

"I'm scared, Mom.. Chenle, getting out of the prosecutor's office means that they have a solid evidence that he's innocent.. And my employee who had done the work for me is now missing.." she stuttered.

"What if they turn that evidence against me?! I'm scared, Mom.." Sunny looks at her daughter and caressed her face. "Don't overreact, love.. If they really have the evidence, they would already turned it in, right? Maybe they find another evidence that points out Chenle's innocence.."

Lami sighed. "I really hope so, Mom.." After a few moments, Chansung had arrived to her office as well. "Are you okay, sweety?" Lami runs to him and hugged him.

"My plan failed, Dad.." she mumbles. Chansung pulled away and pecked her forehead. "Don't worry, sweety.. Everything's gonna be fine.."

He goes to her table and took a seat. "Madame Han's secretary would arrive on Monday to check our business proposal.. And I'll make sure that I'll destroy Jisung's confidence on that day.." he smirked.

He opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the blinding lights of a sunny morning. He blinked a few times and realized that someone is hugging him protectively. Still laying on the bed, he looked up and saw Jisung with him.

Hugging him like he's gonna disappear any moment. He enjoyed looking at Jisung's sleeping face, he looks so calm and peaceful. He remembered what happened the other day, on how he got falsely arrested.

On how he thought that everyone had turned their backs away from him, and then Jisung appeared out of nowhere, rescuing him from the misery that he was about to experience.

He was thankful. Very very thankful. Without the taller, he imagined all the hardships he would face on that situation. However, he still feel bad that he was accused of betraying the company. He felt ashamed and couldn't bear the thought.

He couldn't control the tears flowing from his eyes.

Jisung had suddenly woke up, seeing that the smaller is crying on his arms. He was surprised, but quickly wiped Chenle's tears on his cheeks. "Hey.. Why are you crying?" he asked softly.

Chenle sniffled before looking at him. "I just feel bad for what happened, Sungie.. I will never betray you or the company.." Jisung wiped his tears again. "I would never think of that way, Lele.. I know you, more than anyone else.. I believe that you wouldn't do such thing.."

The smaller felt relieved, knowing that Jisung believes on him. The taller chuckles before hugging him tight. "Let's go back to sleep again.." he groaned, pulling Chenle's face to his chest.

Chenle inhaled Jisung's relaxing scent and was about to fell asleep again when a certain stomach starts to rumble loudly. Chenle pulled away and looked up slowly to Jisung's face.

"Someone's hungry, I see.." Chenle giggles cutely. Jisung had opened his eyes and looks at the smaller playfully. "So, you're teasing me now?" he asked. The smaller giggles and looked up again to his face. "And what if I'm teasing you?" he smirked.

Jisung tightens his arms around Chenle's waist, making the smaller yelped. "I heard that someone around here is very ticklish.." he smirked. Chenle's eyes widened as he pleads.

"Oh no, Sungie.. Whatever you have in mind, please don't do it-" But it was too late as Jisung starts to attack his side, making him squirm and burst into laughter.

"Sungie!" he laughs really loud as Jisung tickles him playfully, tackling him to the bed.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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