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Chenle couldn't stop thinking about it

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Chenle couldn't stop thinking about it. They are now on their flight back to Korea, the taller sleeping peacefully beside him. It bothers him since they left Jessica's place. His face would always appear on his mind, and his heart automatically beats fast.

He shakes his head, trying to distract his thoughts by reading some fashion magazine. However, he was distracted again when Jisung's head accidentally fell on his shoulder. He looked at the taller beside him and smiled.

He's still sleeping like a baby. Chenle didn't know why but he starts to reach out on his face and trace it with his finger. Realizing what he's doing, he immediately pulled away, feeling his face blushing.

"What is happening to me?" he asked himself. If this happens often, he knew that he would have to deal with it. He should figure out on who can he talk with regarding this feeling.

He laid his head back and reclined the seat, deciding to get some sleep. He looks at Jisung again, who's now snoring softly on his shoulders. He grins happily, before falling deeper into dreamland.

Seohyun was very happy to see him back. It was mid afternoon when they arrived at the airport, and Mark immediately drove him towards his house. Jisung has a meeting to attend, and refusing Chenle's assistance, telling him to get some sleep.

Mark took the three big suitcases inside the house and bowed in front of Seohyun. "Thank you for assisting him, Mark.." the woman smiled. "Always my pleasure, Aunt.." he bowed. "I'll be going now, Lele.."

"Thank you, Mark hyung.." he smiled. Chenle immediately runs to his aunt, engulfing her on a warm hug that he had really missed. "I missed you so much, Aunt.." he mumbles.

"I've missed you too, Lele.. How was the trip? Is it good?" she asked, pulling away, caressing Chenle's face. "More than good, Aunt.. It was a dream-like place.. I'll make sure that I'll bring you there too, with Kun hyung.." he smiled.

Seohyun pokes his cheek. "It's good to know that you enjoyed it.. Anyways, where did this suitcases come from? I clearly remembered that you only brought 1.." she said while looking at the other two suitcases.

Chenle grins before opening the suitcases. Seohyun was in awe, looking at the brand new clothes, shoes and perfumes that he bought. "It's for you and Kun hyung!" He immediately took out a dress and handed it over to her.

"This will look good on you, Aunt.. Try it!" Chenle quickly drags her to the bedroom upstairs, helping his aunt.

After eating dinner, Chenle immediately went over to Kun's room and handed him the clothes that he bought for him. "It looks cute, right?" Chenle smiled at him. Kun stands in front of the mirror, looking at the hoodie.

"Thank you for this, Lele.. I'll promise I'll use this well, since the AC at our store will make you feel like it's snowing.." and they both laughed. "So, how was the trip?" Kun asked.

"It was good.. And it feels exciting to ride a plane.." he answered blankly. Kun sits beside him at the bed. "And I can tell that you're clearly keeping something from me.. Spill the details!"

Chenle glares at him and made him promise on not telling to anyone. He starts to state what happened, with Kun listening to him intently. After telling it all, Kun smirks at him.

"It shows that you're in love with him.."

Chenle's face starts to blush again. "Is it really the reason, hyung?" Kun pulls him into a tight hug. "It's not bad to fall in love, Lele.. And maybe, your boss might like you back!"

He pulled away and rolled his eyes. "That's impossible, hyung.. I am just his secretary and assistant.." Kun shakes his head. "Let's see where this goes, Lele.."

Back at the office, Jisung is on a meeting with the department heads when Chenle heard a rumor from the employees that a rich business woman is about to visit the company.

"She's really rich! She owns branches of company all over the world!" he overheard from one of the employees. His eavesdropping session halts to an end when he heard some yelling noises near their office.

"You're such a dumb employee! Repeat this again or I'll fire you!" Lami yelled on her secretary before going back to her office. The woman looks like she was about to cry.

Chenle runs to him and pats her back. "Are you alright?" he asked. The woman looks at her and nods. "Yes.. Thank you for your concern.." Chenle extends his hand.

"I'm Zhong Chenle.." The woman reaches out and shakes his hand. "I'm Yeji.. Lami's assistant.." she smiled. "Is it okay if I asked what happened?" Yeji sighed and looked down.

"I couldn't finish the spreadsheet report that she assigned to me.. That's why she's mad.." Chenle grins at her. "That's my forte! I can help you, since I have plenty of time in my hands.."

Yeji smiled. "Really? Thank you, Chenle.." He shakes his head. "Anytime.."

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