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Chenle lets his aunt choose the room that she wanted, out of the three available rooms

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Chenle lets his aunt choose the room that she wanted, out of the three available rooms. They were both satisfied to see that all rooms has an air conditioner and a heater, and it also has its own bathroom, which was very convenient for them.

"I'll choose the third room!" Seohyun excitedly pointed the room, and goes in there instantly. She's happy because the bed are all king-sized, and it was really fluffy and soft. It was a big room that has a television installed.

"Final choice?" Chenle asked. Seohyun nods happily and goes around the room, checking everything. "You can decorate this based on your preferences, Aunt.." However, his aunt is not paying attention to him, currently jumping at the bed, like a little kid.

Chenle smiled warmly, looking at his aunt who's enjoying their new home.

Seohyun had stopped jumping and looks at Chenle. "Did you pick your room already?" she asked. "Of course, Aunt.." he goes outside and enters the next room. It was a big room with pastel colored walls, a king sized bed, study table where he can read and do some work.

But the one feature that he likes the most is the big glass door with a medium sized balcony. There's a mini coffee table, matching with a comfortable chair.

He goes to the balcony and admired the view from it, overlooking at the houses, since they are located at the top part of the city. "Perfect for morning coffee.." he smiled. He goes to his own bathroom and was amazed to see a very big bath tub with control features.

He presses the 'bubble bath' button and the tub did all the filling of the water with bath bombs all by itself. "Looks like I'm gonna dip for a while.." Chenle smiled, taking all of his clothes off, and dips inside the tub.

Meanwhile, Jisung is at his own house, taking a very refreshing shower. He just stood under the shower head and let the warm water flow to his body, feeling like massaging him. He felt happy to see that Chenle is happy because of his surprise.

After a few minutes, he goes out of the shower and dried himself up. Didn't even mind to put some clothes, he goes to his kitchen, butt naked, and drinks some milk from the fridge.

Then, he goes back to his bedroom and flops on the bed, getting into sleep already.

Chenle looks at the mirror, trying the new clothes he found at the new wardrobe in his new room. He scanned all the clothes and he think it was all perfectly fit to him. "That's odd.." he said. He also saw several new pair of shoes on different kinds: black shoes, boots, sneakers, etc.

He tried it all too and it was all perfectly fit to his feet.

For his first day, he chose the black slacks, white polo and the new pair of black shoes. "Perfect!" he looks at the mirror before going out of his room. Seohyun adored his new look and had prepared a simple breakfast for them.

They ate silently while watching the morning news, and Chenle immediately goes out, kissing his aunt on the cheeks. "See you later, aunt!" Going outside, he saw Mark, waiting for him at the gate.

"Mark hyung! Good morning!" he greeted. "Good morning, Chenle.. Excited for your first day?" he asked. "Yeees!" he cheered excitedly, making the older smiled. The ride was so smooth, it only took 10 minutes to reach Jisung's house.

"I hope he's awake already.." Mark teased. Chenle went to the front door and scans his fingerprint on it. The door opened smoothly and he immediately went inside. It was the same atmosphere just like yesterday when Jaehyun brought him here.

However, the one thing that is different is he can here something growling at him at his back. He turned around and saw a very big black dog, looking at him, ready to pounce at him.

He's scared right now, but he kept it on himself. "You're a good dog, right?" he stuttered. The dog barks at him and runs towards him. Chenle let out a loud shriek when the dog jumped on him, making him fall at the floor.

He closed his eyes and anticipated that the dog would bite him anytime now, but instead, he felt some wet lick on his face. He opened his eyes and saw the dog waggling it's tail happily, licking his face.

Chenle laughs and stood up, petting the dog. "You scared me! You're a good dog.." he smiled. The dog also stood up and leaned on him, and he was shocked because the dog is almost the same height as him.

"Woahh.. You're tall too.." Chenle chuckles, hugging the dog.

Meanwhile, Jisung heard an ear piercing scream inside his house. Then, he remembered that it was Chenle's first day today, and he forgot to put his dog back on the cage last night.

Forgetting the fact that he's naked as of the moment, he immediately went up and runs to the living room. He immediately saw Chenle petting his dog. "Chenle! Are you alright?"

Chenle heard Jisung's voice and turns around, but was shocked to see his boss naked, standing in front of him. His eyes widened, seeing Jisung's toned chest, down to his toned abs, and down to his thingy that is standing proudly too.

He was really flustered as of the moment, and he couldn't take his eyes off either. "Why are you so red, Chenle? Are you okay?" He wanted to answer, but no words are coming out from his mouth.

Jisung scratches his head, not noticing as to why Chenle is acting like that. He thought he's just nervous because it's his first day at the job, so he decided to greet him to calm his nerves.

"I know you're nervous, Chenle.. I can see it.. But you don't have to be.." he assured. "And by the way, good morning, Chenle.." he greets. The smaller roamed his eyes again up and down, and was really flustered to see his boss' thingy standing proudly.

"Morning wood- I mean Wood Morning- I mean Good morning, Sir Jisung.." he stuttered, his face burning as he looks down. Jisung still couldn't get as to why Chenle is stuttering.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, walking closer to the smaller. "No!" Chenle screeched, and backs away from the taller. "Why are you like this?" Jisung asked, feeling frustrated.

Chenle took a deep breath and yelled on him. "It's because you're naked, Sir Jisung!"

And that's when Jisung realized that he was fully naked in front of his assistant. He looks down on his body and looks at Chenle again. "Oh..." is all he could muttered, before running back towards his room.

Chenle felt really weak right now, and flops on the floor, beside the dog. "Rainbows and unicorns.. Rainbows and unicorns.." he chants, closing his eyes. However, the image that he saw flashes on his mind again, making him really flustered.

"I can tell that this would haunt me for the rest of my life.." he sighed, while touching his burning cheeks.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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