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Jisung goes back to his table and decides to read Chenle's personal data sheet and resume

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Jisung goes back to his table and decides to read Chenle's personal data sheet and resume. He was quite impressed, looking at his previous job experiences. He had worked at a diner, a cleaner and many more.

He was amazed because that innocence that Chenle shows as a facade of himself, hides a precious treasure chest, full of experiences that had helped him becoming himself now, and that's what he admires at him.

Renjun entered his office and goes in front of him. "Is that the your new secretary? He's cute!" he cooed, making Jisung laughs. "Is that what matters to you, hyung? Being cute?" he rolled his eyes. The chinese boy snobs at him and laughs.

"You know that I can read people well, right? Well, I think he's also gonna do a great job.." he smiled, before leaving the room. Jisung smiled at himself, before relaxing at his seat. "I believe that he's gonna do well too.."

Mark knocks at his office door before going inside. "Shall I take you now to your parent's house?" he asked. "Perfect timing, Mark hyung.." he grins, before picking up his bag and goes outside.

Meanwhile, Chenle was so happy because he got the job. He still didn't know the details of his job and the compensation and benefits process but he trusts that the company would pay him well.

He can now assured that he can maintain his aunt's monthly consultations at the hospital. He goes to the nearest bus stop to get a ride when he realized that he has no money left.

Yes, he still have the $1000 that Daniel gave to him, but he's saving it for the rent, his aunt's check up, bills and groceries. He sighed, having a hard time budgeting everything. "Well, guess I need to walk now.." and starts walking at the sidewalk.

They're on their way to Jisung's parent's house to attend their family dinner which his mom had insisted to. Jaehyun is also there at the car, sitting at the front seat, checking Jisung's schedule for the rest of the week.

It was a silent car ride, and a peaceful song plays at the radio, matching with the perfect afternoon. Jisung stares at the window, until someone had caught his eye. "Is that Chenle?" he asked. Mark and Jaehyun diverts their gaze on where Jisung is looking.

"Yes, it is Chenle.." Jaehyun replied. "But why is he walking?" Jisung instructs Mark to pull over at the sidewalk, making the smaller who's walking had stopped on his tracks. Chenle looks at them curiously, not guessing who they are, until Jisung decided to roll down the car window.

"Sir Jisung!" Chenle yelped, surprised to see his boss. "Get in, we'll give you a ride.." the taller insisted, opening the backseat door for him. The smaller goes inside hesitantly and greets everyone.

Jaehyun took the opportunity to introduce Mark. "Chenle.. This is Mark Lee, he's Jisung's personal driver.. And he'll be your companion too almost everyday.. You'll be taking over this front seat, okay?" Chenle nods and quickly took a note of it on his phone.

"Why are you walking?" Jisung asked immediately. Chenle was too shy to answer, but he revealed it already. "I don't have money on me to ride a bus, so I ended up walking to home.."

Jisung glares at him. "Why didn't you tell me? I'm your boss now, Chenle.. And I want to help you on your problems, just like you helped me.. If anything like that happens again, make sure to tell me, okay?"

"Yes, Sir Jisung.." Chenle replied softly. The car ride became silent again, and they were caught at a traffic, caused by a road repair. The taller just reads his book when he felt a heavy feeling on his shoulder.

Surprise, surprise. Chenle fell asleep and lands his head on his boss' shoulder. Meanwhile, Jisung wants to combust right now. He slowly lowered himself so that Chenle can be a little more comfortable.

Then he looks down at the boy, admiring Chenle's sleeping face. "I could get used to this.." he smiled, letting the smaller sleep more on his shoulder.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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