Chapter LXIII: I'm going to need help

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Chapter 63:

Word count:  3.2 k

A/N: warning: talks about mental health. I am not in any way a professional who studies and understands mental illnesses to the full extent. My knowledge comes from my experience as well as studies found on the internet. For this reason, there may be some things that are represented wrongly. If in case, I will apologize in advance and would appreciate it if you can politely correct me. Thank you. Please consult professional help if you struggle with any type of mental health. You are not alone!!


The sound of the submarine engine buzzed lowly as a background sound, the metallic pungency of blood filling the air of the small space of the surgery room. While the room was occupied by a handful of people, they were all silent, watching their captain as he sutured the wound of his patient.

The dark-haired man releases a sigh as he slips off his bloodied gloves, the rubber making a distinct sound as it stretches over his fingers. With a grunt, Law unhooks the mask he was wearing, letting it hang down one ear. "Keep an eye on his vitals. He should be fine but come get me if something changes. And make sure he gets two more bags of the blood transfusion, he's going to need it," Law ordered as Bepo warily approached him, his shoulders hunched, although it did nothing to make his large form any smaller.

"Captain..." The polar bear in the orange jumpsuit looked a bit uneasy, fiddling with his large paws in front of him.

Law raises a single dark eyebrow, patiently waiting for his first mate to spit out whatever he was struggling to tell him. However, he can't help but feel his eye twitch as Bepo mumbled his words.

Bepo's round ears were flat against his skull, visibly seeming to be dejected, "I tried f-following your order to take Clemie-chan to your office, but she refused.... She wouldn't even let me clean out her wounds... She's been camping outside the room and hasn't moved a single inch. I'm sorry..." The polar bear admits with his head drooped, almost looking like it physically pained him that he couldn't complete the task given to him by his captain.

Law blinks, his gaze moving to the single white clock on the metal walls, noting it had been at least two hours since he had entered for surgery. Releasing a sigh, the man only nods as he stepped out of his operation room.

Instantly he sees a figure curled up on the ground. Law can't help but grimace as he sees nearly dried up blood on the floor where Clementine sits. The said blonde has her face buried in her knees, her arms wrapping around her legs as if they were keeping herself together.

Law could see some of his crew worriedly peeking at them from down the hall from the corner of his grey eyes. But they instantly ducked their heads and hid when they realized that their captain had noticed them slacking and not doing the task they were assigned.

Law pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly before making his way to where Clementine was motionlessly sitting. He looked down at her dirty figure for a moment, his lips tugging down at what he sees. Her usually neat short blonde hair was disheveled as if she ran her hand through them multiple times. Her clothes had spots of flaking brown blood on them, and Law realized her hands were in a similar state, her nails cracked and crusty. And while it was so subtle it could have been missed, the doctor in him notices the way they were shaking, her knuckles so white as she gripped onto the cloth of her pants.


Instantly, Clementine's head snapped up, gazing up at Law with her blue eyes wide and bloodshot, seeming to finally notice he was standing in front of her.

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