Chapter LX: The Soul

7K 326 43

Searching for Brothers: 60

Word Count: 2.1 K

Warning: Brutal torture and scenes with blood. Viewers discretion is advised. 


A giant yawn escaped the female's lips as she flipped the page to the book she had in hand. She blinks the tears away lazily as she looks up, her cerulean gaze shifting to the left.

Her lips tilt down in distaste as another scream echoes in the air, her eyes narrowing in annoyance. While she can only see Trafalgar Law's back, she doesn't miss the blood that dripped down the surgery table, slowly beginning to pool on the ground near his feet.

"Noble-ya, come here, please."

Clementine's eyebrows twitched at the demanding tone. At least he said please. With a disgruntled sigh, she raised to her feet. She carries herself to stand beside the pirate and peered down at what he was doing. The blonde woman can't help but scrunch her nose, eyeing the mess of the human being that was strapped onto the table.

The pirate captain who had attacked Law's crew just yesterday was sobbing, tears and snot running down his face. He was cut up from his esophagus to his stomach, all of his inward visible to her eyes, the crimson liquid staining where he laid. His eyes were crazed as he looked up at Clementine, drool dripping down his mouth as he blubbered.

"S-Save me! Please, I'm b-begging you! K-Kill me already!!"

Clementine hummed and turned her head to Law, "can he feel pain?" She questioned in interest, eyeing the way his heart was beating in his chest in fascination.

The man Clementine spoke to was slipping his rubber gloves off, throwing it onto the table. His graze briefly moved to her before turning his attention back to his experiment that he had tied down onto the table. "He shouldn't. Physiologically? I can't say the same thing. Would you rather he was?" Law questioned, raising a single eyebrow.

Blinking, Clementine shook her head, a small snort leaving her lips. "I'm not sadistic like you are Trafalgar. What do you want me doing anyways?" The blonde ran her hand through her short hair, pulling it out of her eyes, raising her own eyebrows at the man before her.

She had a general idea of what Law had wanted her to do. But she wanted him to physically say it because she knew it tended to annoy the man. Neither of them was idiots. While they would probably never admit it out loud, Law and Clementine were more similar than different. And both of them were already realizing that. And the similarity also went to how their brains worked and thought—much to their dismay.

Law's eyes narrowed, a look of disdain spreading across his face. But with a sigh, he spoke, "please heal him up. I want to measure the time it'll take."

Clementine hummed, stopping herself from smirking, knowing she had successfully irritated the man. At the same time, she knew not to push his buttons too much, finding enough satisfaction to do as he asked.

Law watched with concentration as Clementine stared down at his test subject, his hand holding a den den mushi stopwatch that counted the seconds. His gaze briefly moved to the blonde woman seeing the perspiration beginning to form on her cheek as the first sign of healing began.

The man admits while he had seen this process at least five times now. It still fascinated him to see the skin stitch back together, the blood that soaked the flesh seeming to seal back into the veins. However, at the same time, while he would have loved to watch the whole process of the injuries created by him as it healed together, he also kept his attention on the female who was at work.

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