Chapter X: Reuniting with the Eldest Brother

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The tense atmosphere in the air made the hair at the back of my neck stand as I stood beside Roki. For comfort, I ran my hand through his soft white fur, tugging on it slightly with my fingers.

"Are you alright?"

I couldn't help but jump slightly as I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I gave Shanks a small nod with a nervous smile before looking back at the massive ship that belonged to one of the most influential men in the world.

In a way I was excited. After traveling for a bit over a year and a half, I was finally going to get to see my older brother.

"Remember, I trained you with the basic Haki. You should be able to withstand mine as we aboard their ship," the red-haired man whispered as he smiled broadly, placing his arm around my shoulder as if he wanted to comfort me.

I nodded once again, rolling my shoulders to get the tension out of them. After a week of fighting Marines just to get to Shirohige's ship made my body sore. Not that I was going to admit that because knowing Yasopp, he would surely tease me about it.

I looked behind me and saw rest of Shanks's crew looking at us with a grin, many of them giving me a thumbs up.

"Dahahaha, stop being so tense, I'm sure they won't be hostile towards you because you're Ace's baby sister," Shanks laughed as he slapped me on the back.

A wince escaped my mouth, but a hesitant smile also appeared on my lips. I placed my hand on Roki's large snout, looking into his crystalline blue eyes, "I'm going to go for a bit. I want you waiting here, ok, boy? Make sure not to cause trouble for Yasopp and Roo," I whispered, burying my face in his mane of fur.

The giant beast purred in response, pushing me forward with his head. I gulped and stood next to Shanks, grabbing the black cloak he always wore.

The said man looked down at me before chucking, ruffling my blonde head, making my hat slip off.

I pouted, feeling slightly annoyed at his way of affection as I held the hat, fixing it onto my head.

"Come on, let's go."

Shanks sent me one last look before pushing himself off of his boat's deck, jumping onto the ship we were drifting next to.

"Here goes for nothing..." I mumbled, jumping on the deck beside Shanks, my umbrella in my hand.

However, as my feet landed on the Moby Dick, I grew even tenser as I eyed all the pirates who stared at us with scowls and snarls, many of them playing with the weapons they had in their hands.

At that moment I felt Shanks' rush of Haki roll out of his body hitting everyone. I immediately release my own Haoshoku Haki to counter it, protecting myself from his blast as soon as I felt light headed. It was unbelievably powerful; I was positive if I were a couple of seconds later, I would have fainted.

With our combined Haki, I watched as many of the crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates start to drop to the floor, falling unconscious.


"Hell, he's making another grand entrance," Marco the 1st division's commander of the Whitebeard Pirates scowled as he crossed his arms over his chest in distaste.

"Though that Haki wasn't just produced by himself.... Who is the person behind him....?" Jozu, another commander questioned as he became tense at the cloaked person who walked behind Shanks. They were covered head to toe by their black clock, making it impossible to see anything underneath. 'Male? No, female? I can't tell!'

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