Chapter XL: Uncontrolled Power

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Searching For Brothers: Chapter 40

Word count: 2.6 k


The crackling of the wood from the campfire was joined with the soft crickets of the bugs in the bush, the orange light highlighting the blonde child's soft cheeks as she stared into the flames that licked and ate away the thick branches. Her icy blue eyes that reflect the wavering fire shifts to the boy with the Strawhat who sleeps across from her, soft snores leaving his lips as a large bubble expands from his nose, threatening to pop every time he breathes out.

Clementine's lips tug down as she notices how Luffy's eyelids are swollen red, surely from crying himself to sleep just a few moments ago. She also wished she could do the same, but sleep wasn't coming to her as she hoped.

With her tongue pressed into her cheek, she scoots closer to the warmth behind her, twisting her head slightly to bury her face into her older brother's neck. In response, the raven-haired boy's arms wrap tighter around her, his chin falling onto her head as he hugged her close.

Clementine breathes in as black strands tickle her neck, the familiar scent of the jungle and sweat mixed in with the smoke makes her sigh, thinking about how she as well as her older brother was in need of a bath. A long, well-deserved bath with a lot of bubbles and soap.

But she also knew no amount of soap could clean away the sadness that soaked into her and her brothers' bodies at what had happened today.

"Ace, you won't leave me and Luffy right?"

Clementine doesn't know why such a question leaves her mouth. Her young mind cursed at herself for asking such a thing to Ace when he too was hurting just as much as herself.

But Ace only hums as he presses his lips to her temple, his freckled face soft as he too stared at the flames that ate away at the wood like a hungry beast.

"No, I promise I won't leave you two behind."

Clementine's hands clench onto the tank top Ace wore, the cloth getting bunched up in her fingers, crinkling the fabric covered in dirt. She paid no mind, closing her eyes as she curled up onto Ace's lap, the warmth provided by both the flame and Ace making her eyes finally droop drowsily.

However, her eyes snapped open as she felt her body drop as if she was pushed off the ship, the warmth that cocooned her disappearing, replacing her in a dark room that was cold as the icy dark blue ocean.

Her body was no longer of a child, instead of getting replaced by her full-grown size as she sat on the floor, her limbs refusing to listen to her.

Clementine felt like her throat was getting squeezed as she realized Ace stood in front of her, bruised and bloody. But she couldn't see his face, his back filled with bloody gashes greeting her.


She watched helplessly as Ace walked away from her, his form slowly becoming faded with each step he took.

"No! No Ace! You can't go! You promised!" Clementine screams, her eyes watering as she tries to reach out to her older brother.

But Ace continues to walk forward, not looking back even as her pleads become shrill, her throat becoming raw.





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