Chapter LI: Official or Not

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Searching for Brother 51: Official or Not

Word Count: 2.5 K

Warning: I have not edited or re-read it so grammar and spelling mistakes are probably mixed in. Sorry :P


It was almost as if the world had stopped for a split second, everything freezing in place. But, that didn't stay long because Clementine's legs were carrying her forward before her mind processed what it was doing.

She didn't breathe as she crumbled to her knees as she stared down at her brother who was laid on the grass that was abnormally colored red and black like everything in Et Sanguinem Mundi. It would have looked like he was peacefully sleeping if it wasn't for the blood streaking down his chin and the gapping hole in the middle of his chest.

The blonde could see her hand tremble as it slowly moved to touch Ace's face, her demeanor crumbling as she sobbed, realizing he was still warm to her touch.

She should have known, of course he would be warm still if he was in one of her worlds. Her dimensions were technically a big pocket in space where time didn't move unless she had wished.

Ace was stuck in the time where he had died, his body not stiff with rigor mortis yet, the blood in his veins still warm and not clotted.

Clementine couldn't see straight with her eyes filled with tears but she looked up, the blurry image of the Grimsoul looking down at her.

"D-Did you bring him here...?" She questioned, her voice shaky. The Grimsoul nodded its head and continued to stare.

Clementine swallowed thickly before placing a weak smile on her lips. "Thank you... you were also the one who protected me on the field. Thank you..."

The Grimsoul didn't move immediately before it nodded, seeming to accept her thanks before climbing onto his feet. It's beady eyes stared down at her for a split second before it slowly turned around, lumbering off. The young female watched as the other Grimsouls around the area slowly followed after it, leaving her alone in the pitch black forest with the body of Ace.

Clementine sniffled as she looked down at Ace, slowly letting her fingers brush against his black bangs, moving them out of his face. She felt her fingers tremble, her stomach dropping as she forced her index and middle finger to gently press against the carotid artery.

And just like that, all the hope she held for a split second crumbled pitifully to the ground. She couldn't stop the sob from leaving her lips, covering her face with her hand, not caring that they were streaked with blood.

However, tears eventually run out, Clementine sitting there in daze, the back of her head throbbing and her eyes so swollen that they hurt. She stared at Ace blankly, refusing to look down to acknowledge the gaping hole in his chest that took his life. Instead, she looks at his face.

She felt bitter that Ace looked so peaceful, a small smile on his lips, his long lashes kissing his freckle covered cheeks. But the blood that ran down his temple and mouth ruined the imagination and Clementine couldn't help but wish for all the blood and dirt to be off.

Clementine blinked, her eyes widening in shock as she realized that when she had thought that, the blood and dirt on Ace's face disappeared as if it was never there to begin with. The young woman is frozen in place, not believing what she witnessed before a certain memory pops in her mind.

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