Chapter LVII: Give Me Your Heart

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Chapter 57

Word Count: 1.8 K

A/N: Sorry guys, super short chapter because it's gonna be finals week starting Monday. The only reason why I wrote this was because I refused to study and decided to procrastinate.

Warning: Not edited


Clementine never thought she was an indecisive person. When there was something to choose, she did it fairly quickly and didn't go back on her mind unless it was absolutely necessary. She was good at making up her mind and sticking with it. She would even say she prided on how down to earth she was.

But why did she feel like she wants to go back on her words right now, only seconds after saying them? Well, one, that's because the man in front of her was grinning wickedly and the blonde quickly realized she hadn't worded it correctly. And two, this man's epithet was the Surgeon of Death, which should have immediately been the red flag that was raised in her head. Too bad it seemed to be malfunctioning when she needed it most.

Clementine closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She silently slapped herself in the face, cringing as she repeated her words in her mind. No, that was worded very badly. "That didn't come out right. I don't actually mean I'll do everything," she grumbled as she reopened her eyes, hoping the pirate in front of her understood that.

Her gaze was immediately met with Law who no longer had a grin, instead replacing it with a frown that seemed a bit disappointed. A silence falls over the two, trying to understand the motive of one another.

Eventually the man nodded at her to continue, tapping his knee impatiently.

The blonde female grunted under her breath as she leaned against the post of the bed, her arms coming up to cross over her chest. "First thing first, I would never, and I mean never do anything that could endanger Luffy and harm him. Anything that may affect him negatively, I will not do? Understand?"

This makes Law roll his eyes. "I underestimated how overprotective you are Noble-ya. Anyhow, while you say this, you've never stated what you want from me. You say you want my help but I can't agree to anything if you don't go into detail."

This makes Clementine bite her lips, chewing on it nervously. The man had a fair point, she understood that yet she knew she could just reveal everything. Silently she debates to herself, not knowing the man enough to know how far she can share. Perhaps she should have done more research on the man before her. But Trafalgar Law seemed to be shrouded by mystery, not many things known about him in the first place. And even if there was information on him, Clementine didn't know how accurate they were.

"I have someone who's under my care as of right now," Clementine began slowly, carefully trying to read Law's expression, looking out for the even smallest twitch of muscles in his face, "I've done the best I could to help them out. But my knowledge on medicine is very limited, only coming from books. Trafalgar Law, while you're a pirate, your skill as a doctor is well known. My favor for you is to examine this person, and perhaps give me an insight on what I need to do to help them out," the blonde finishes extremely vaguely, which Law could tell was because she didn't trust him.

The said man continued to keep a stoic expression as he leaned forward, placing his chin on his hand as he eyed the female in front of him. "And what do I get out of it, Noble-ya. You said you'll do everything in your power earlier, of course if it doesn't involve your younger brother. But what do you have that I'll want?" Law questioned, his eyes narrowed onto the woman who seemed to be uncomfortable under his piercing gaze.

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