Chapter XXXIV: Uneasy Feelings

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Searching for Brother: 34

Word count: 2.2 k

A/N: guys it's gonna get intense soooon..... I started writing chapter 36 today and man..... Are you all ready?!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!


The field was littered with broken weapons and bodies of marines, the smoke of the battle slowly rising up to the sky in a black line. The air was heavy with the scent of gunpowder and blood, groans of pain echoing in the clearing.

"What the hell, is it over already?" Zoro grunted, a look of disappointment appearing in orbs as he finally stepped out of the building, having been lagging behind while talking to Rayleigh.

Sanji stood next to the green-haired swordsman, the blond man holding the cigarette with his teeth as he gazed at the sight in front of him in awe. "Of course those two would be devil-fruit user too!" He grunts his eyes shifting to the two pirate captains next to Luffy. However, his eyes turned to hearts as he wiggles, the cigarette falling to the floor. "Ah! Of course, beautiful Clementine-sama did a lot of work as well!!"

Brook who stood next to Sanji gapped, his jaw falling to the floor with his arms up above his head in shock. "A...Amazing! I can't believe my eyes!" He screams, before slyly adding, "although I don't have eyes, yohohoho!!"

The Heart Pirates with Law also stepped out, their eyes on their captain as they took in the damage he did, seeing the cut-up bodies that were built strangely as if it's the most normal thing.

"Ahh ahhh, you went overboard, Captain...." Shachi sighed, lazily kicking away an arm that wiggled on the ground in disgust.

Killer who stood with the rest of his comrade sweatdropped behind his mask as he eyed the three captains who proudly stood in the middle of the destruction. "They're short-tempered...."

While the pirates bickered, the marines who were still standing stiffly pointed their weapons, eyeing the crews that emerged with caution, preparing to engage in another wave of battle.

"Here they come. Look like they don't even have a plan anymore from here out, it's just a straight-up brawl now," Kidd comments, looking satisfied for now. His eyes shift to the young man with the straw hat beside him, a smirk spreading across his lips, part of his eyes getting shadowed. "See you later Strawhat. I'm glad I met you here. The next time I see you, I won't be so easy....!" The man's eyes gleam with promise, almost eager to fight the other captain right there and now.

Luffy has a bright smile stretched across his face, seeming almost nonchalant at the other pirate's threat. "Hmmm... but I'm the one who's gonna find One Piece!!!"

His words catch the attention of both captains beside him, the two men staring at Luffy with an unidentifiable expression.

During their distraction, a brave marine attacked. However, he was kicked away by Killer, the first mate of the Kid Pirates easily taking care of him like a pest.

"Hey! What are you standing around for?" The blond masked man snapped, facing his captain who calmly greeted him with his name.

Kidd's eyes moved back to Luffy, smirking with a new look of acknowledgment in his orbs. "On the course, we took.... saying something like that would just get you laughed at. Though I killed everyone who laughed at me," the red-haired man stated, his eyes shifting to Law for a split second before he faced forward, "But from here out, those without the guts to say that doubt survive...! Let's meet up in the 'New World.'"

Kidd's eyes flared with determination, "let's go guys!!" He commands, his crew quickly following behind him with a yell.

Thinking that they were distracted by their conversation, another marine leaped forward, moving to swing his sword at Law with a battle cry. "Trafalgar Law! You'll pay for what you did to my comrades!!!"

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