CHAPTER II: Goodbye My Dear Brother

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Hello, hello! trufflerabbit13 is back here to bring SoB's remake. Or at least the attempt of it before I get too busy and drop the ff like well, all my other works. Oops.

Anyhow, I had a chance to watch some episodes of One Piece recently and I guess I suddenly got inspired to continue writing about Clementine because well, I really miss Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and other amazing characters like Law and the straw hat pirates.

Back to topic, although the chapters are mostly the same, I've added more details, descriptions and I guess my grammar is (hopefully) significantly better than 2015/2016 it whenever I wrote this piece of crap.

Anyhow, I'm going to be updating all the chapters that been posted so far probably in the next few hours and than probably by the end of today I'll have chapter 13 or 14?out? I honestly can't remember what the last chapter I published was, it was either 12 or 13....

Anyhow, enjoy!!!

Word count: 1.2 k


I sat silently next to Ace on a branch of a tall tree in the forest, high off the ground.

"Was it ok to leave Luffy?" I questioned quietly, breaking the silence. My hands nervously went to the bandage that covered my head, my thin fingers playing with the white cloth while my brother's hat and goggles laid on my lap. I haven't let them go since I've woken up, I've been wearing it as if they were a part of my body

Ace let out a grunt as he scooted closer to me, "I wanted to talk privately, and if that idiot were here, he'd probably start sobbing as soon as I said Sabo's name."

I sighed at Ace's harsh words, though I understood. He too was grieving like Luffy and I. However, I have to admit, I was more concerned about Ace than Luffy.

Luffy, I know he'll eventually get over my older brother's death, but for Ace.... Ace wasn't exactly like Luffy, he struggled to release his emotions sometimes and he tended keep to himself if something truly bothered him.

And until only a couple hours ago, the freckled best friend of mine had been tied to a tree by Dadan so he wouldn't go to the town.

First thing in the morning today, he yelled at us from outside, strangely and uncharacteristically promising not to go to town to avenge my brother.

"Oi, Clemie are you listening to me?" Ace irritably snapped at me, using the nickname he made himself.

I weakly smiled at the ravenette and nodded my head. Immediately Ace eyed me worriedly, an uncertain look appearing in his eyes.

"You still haven't healed all of your injuries, are you not feeling well?"

I shook my head, my long, wavy blonde hair swaying.

"Then what? You need to talk, or I won't understand," Ace stated, as he scolded me, looking mildly irritated.

I smiled at him sadly once again, "just sad and lonely." I simply explain, the smile not reaching my eyes.

We both stopped talking and sat there in the silence of the forest. The birds were silent for once, the only noise around the two of us being the leaves rustling against each other as the breeze blew.

My cerulean blue eyes went to my hands. I frowned and closed my fist. In this body of mine, flows the blood of a noble. A shameful, disgusting noble.

I bit my lip and calmly thought. Nobles were treated so highly, yet they were rotten trash with their selfishness... A scum... Garbage that I wish I weren't born as...

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