Chapter XXVIII: The Dark King

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Searching for Brother: 28

Word count: 2.4

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I promise I'm working on the next chapter right now!!! I swear it shouldn't take even a week for chapter 29 to come out!!!


"Royal flush."

A silence follows after the winning move for a split second, those who were playing not being able to believe that they were seeing.

Clementine holds a blank look on her face as she reveals her cards, the men around her gapping in horror, some of them cursing under their breaths breaking the silence with murmurs of disbelief.

The loud clatter of a chair hitting the floor silences everyone, an air of nervousness settling over the bar.

"You bitch! You cheated!" The captain of the pirate crew she was playing against screamed in anger, his eyes seeing red as he glared at the blonde who innocently sat in her chair, collecting the bag of money. The captain, a portly man with matted hair, pointed a stubby finger to the female, his face turning shades darker by the growing second.

Clementine frowns at the accusation, her eyes widening in effect. "I have not. Look, I don't even have any pockets to hide cards. You, on the other hand," Clementine pauses, her eyes moving to the man as well as his pants with an eyebrow raised. "I can clearly see a deck of cards right there."

At the blonde's claim, the pirate spluttered angrily that he was caught, his hands moving to the pistol he had tucked away in his coat. As he did so, the rest of his crew also pulled out their weapons, cackling as they surrounded the blond who still sat in her chair.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"

The female doesn't show an ounce of fear, her lips tugging down to a frown as she began to count how many pirates were pointing their weapon at her.

One, four, ten, seventeen, and twenty-two if she was not including the captain who was now directly pushing the pistol to her chest. Clementine holds back a grimace as the man slowly licks his lips, his eyes suddenly becoming lewd as he slowly took in her form, a sleazy smile spreading his lips.

"But I might as well have fun a bit before—"

He doesn't get to finish his sentence as Clementine sees her current teacher, a white-haired man raising his drink's is glass in the air from the corner of her eye. It was the secret signal she had with her mentor.

Seeing the sign, a wave a mediocre haki rolled out of Clementine's body, hitting every pirate in the bar. The blonde doesn't flinch as the captain who was holding a gun to her chest falls unconscious, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, dropping to the floor with a sickening crunch along with the clatter of his weapon.

Seconds later, the rest of his crew follows until only three people were still left standing, the bodies of unconscious men littering the floor of the old bar.

Clementine's eyes shifted to Rayleigh who nonchalantly sipped on his whiskey while the store owner, an old woman who was formerly a pirate cleaned some glasses cups with a towel.

"Sorry about that, Miss Lee. They were a rowdier bunch than normal," Clementine sighs as she walks up to the bar, stepping on one of the unconscious bodies without much care.

Miss Lee, the old woman, didn't mind, flashing the young female a smile, her front teeth shining because of the silver implant. "No worry dear. I assume our usual deal?"

Clementine nods in agreement, politely thanking the older woman as she hands her a cup of tea. "They should get you a bit more money than usual. They were bragging about their bounty earlier, and I know the captain should be worth at least a bit," the blonde comments nonchalantly as she sips her beverage.

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