Chapter XII: Hidden Enemy Within Family

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The blonde female hummed to herself as she navigated through the ship, her shoes making small clicks on the wooden floor.

Clementine was in a good mood, her thin fingers running through Roki's fur as he walked beside her.

"I wonder how far my fruit's power can go, huh, Roki?" She questioned her partner as she headed towards Thatch's quarters.

'My power has allowed me to recreate objects I've touched before in my dimension and bring it over here, although it does disappear when it has contact with water....' Clementine thought, 'If this allows me to create devil fruits as well... Lord...' A small shiver ran down the female's back, thinking about how desperate the world government may become for her power.

The blonde and the large feline stopped in front of a door, the female moving to knock.

However, before she could, Roki let out a low growl, his pupils dilating to slits. The white fur located at the back of the beast necks bristled, standing up as low warning hisses escaped his curled lips.

Clementine immediately became alarmed, her body stiffening. Her icy blue eyes stared at Roki for a second, reading his body movement.

'Tails are flicking, pupils dilated.... Right ear is twitching, right paw in front.....' The tall blonde immediately tightened the hold she had on her umbrella that was modified to a weapon.

Although Ace has assured that she would stay safe on the Moby Dick, the female always carried around her umbrella for safety, and at that moment she was glad she did so.

The signs her partner currently showed always led to something problematic in the past; she wasn't going to take any risks now that he was acting out.

She took a deep breath as Roki continued to growl. The teenager raised a leg up and with a strong kick, the door of the quarter slammed open revealing two figures.

Clementine's narrowed icy blue eyes immediately widened as she stared at the bloody scene.

Marshall D. Teach looked like a deer caught in headlights as he froze in a position that looked like a mid punch. Below him was a groaning Thatch who looked as if he was covered in his crimson blood.

"Roki," the beast's name calmly left the female's mouth. In an instance the beast lung forwards, tackling Marshall to the floor, making him cry in fear.

Seeing the chance, Clementine quickly took Thatch into her arms, placing his head on her lap.

"Thatch..... Oh my god...." She whispered, her hands pressing into Thatch's side where it was heavily bleeding. A large gash started from his hip all the way to middle of his rib, some of the bones grotesquely visible.

The man opened one eye, letting out a pained groan, "M-My god, where's the bastard......?" He weakly spoke, coughing up blood, staining his lips.

Clementine's icy eyes moved to the corner of the room where Roki held down the screaming man, his lips curling into a threatening snarl over the man's throat.

"He's over there, don't talk.... I can't move you with you bleeding this much....." A hint of panic was settling in the female's voice as she continued to apply pressure to the bleeding wound. The sticky, warm liquid leaked between her fingers, both coating them and dripping onto her clothing.

Thatch let out a weak laugh before coughing, "he's here f-for the Devils fruit....." He hacked, his eyebrows furrowing in pain. At the moment, for the first time, the blonde realized the fruit was safely protected under Thatch's arm.

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