Chapter XXXI: Straw-Hat Baby Brother's Entrance

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Searching for Brother: 31

Word count: 2.3 k

A/N: hey guys! The picture above is what I've found online of how I do kinda imagine Clementine, although if it has more of a oda-sensei's touch of art it'll be perfect. I feel it's pretty accurate to what Clementine looks though, except of course the scars and the white beard pirate tattoo on her back. I say, even the clothing choice matches Clementine although I'll say she'll be wearing a bit more blue somewhere because that's part of her epithet.

Once again it's a picture I found online so it does not belong to me!

Please don't forget to comment and vote, feel free to ask questions if you have any! Just write, to: author somewhere so I know to respond!


Seeing the numbers of collars on the ground, Clementine grinned, her icy blue orbs twinkling with glee as all the slaves in the room with her were freed.

"B-Big Sister! You kept your promise!" One of the children who Clementine had given her candy to whispered as he wrapped his arms around her legs. "Thank you...."

The young blonde woman smiled at him gently, her hand ruffling his hair, "of course, now go hide with the other children and adults. I'm going to go see how the auction is going, and I want you all escaping when you see a chance, alright?" Clementine sternly states as she crouches down.

The teenager watches the skinny boy run off with a fond look in her eyes before she stood back up to her full height. She has a small frown on her lips as she hides behind some crates, using her devil's fruits power to pull out her choice of weapon.

Clementine twirls her umbrella in her hand skillfully, eyeing it with fondness although she had to suffer through Shanks and his crew always making fun of her choice of weapon. She agrees it is not the most threatening looking thing but it was what she used well, and the hidden sword was always convenient to use.

The female becomes alarmed as she hears a loud crash, subconsciously tucking herself behind some curtains to hide from a group of guards and staff who run past her.

Clementine becomes confused at the sudden ruckus, and the panic of the workers only interest her even more. At the same time, she's concerned, knowing that with the Celestial Dragons there at the auction site, any type of trouble wasn't welcomed. She was going to book it if she finds out something was happening because she didn't want to deal with marines.


Clementine froze, closing her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose in dread. She inhaled deeply before exhaling, her nerves suddenly feeling jittery.

"No, I'm hearing things. That was definitely not Luffy," the blonde muttered to herself in denial, laughing weakly. However, she snaps her eyes open as dread slowly crept to her.

Oh no... No... Luffy wouldn't be stupid enough to....

Clementine was running before she knew it. What was she kidding, she knew Luffy's voice. And....

"That idiot...!" Clementine hisses as she popped her head out from the curtain, her eyes widening as she sees a familiar boy standing in the auction house surrounded by debris. "Luffy...!"

The female feels her hand shaking as she watches what is happening behind the safety of the curtain, her eyes narrowing as she tried to understand what was going on.

The sudden appearance of her little brother is making the crowd of bidders nervous. Whispers and mutters exploding as Luffy yelled at the top of his lungs.

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