Chapter XLVI: Kill Them All

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Chapter 46
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: um, you might want to grab like a few pieces of tissue? Sorry, not sorry ;)


The screams and chaos on the battlefield made it nearly impossible for people to understand what was happening as they gathered around the screen projected at Sabaody.

"What's happening?!"

"What happened after Whitebeard was stabbed?"

"Did Fire Fist escape?! What the hell is going on?"

The crowd suddenly sucked in a breath as the camera zoomed in to a certain blonde-haired woman, blood and dirt streaking her face as she ran beside two raven haired men.

"IT'S MISS ANGEL!!!" Few men hollered, cheering loudly as they waved banners into the air. Some of them hugged each other, the growing fan club for Clementine D. Outlook ecstatic that they got a glimpse of their idol.

The scream became deafening as her icy blue eyes somehow found the camera. While her gaze was stone cold and face covered in grime, it didn't hide her beauty to the crowd who watched the screen.

Far, far away from Sabaody and at Marine Ford, Clementine silently cursed, her eyes wavering as she tried to keep up with the pace Luffy and Ace moved. While she hated to admit, she felt like her lungs were burning, her legs slowly but surely growing weak.

As the woman ran, the voice of a certain okama with a purple afro flooded her head.

"Listen to me, vill you?! Listen to me, you stupvid girl! My adrenaline hormones do nothing but deceive your body! Do not misunderstand that your wounds are healed!?"

Clementine gritted her teeth, her throat swallowing thickly as she thought about the worst scenario. Her icy gaze shifted to the warship that they were heading towards. But looking at the distance she'll have to make, a small part of her didn't think her body would last.

And perhaps, Luffy and Ace could tell. Neither brothers communicated with each other verbally before Luffy's arms stretched, wrapping around his sister's thin waist and flinging her to Ace's open arms.

With a small 'oof' Clementine laid comfortable in Ace's arm, the man running with her as he used his legs and flames to kick through the marines who tried to block his path.

"A-Ace, let me go. I can run," Clementine spoke up, her voice hoarse from inhaling too much smoke. However, her words get ignored, Ace raising a single eyebrow up, sending her a look that screamed 'really?'

Clementine wanted to scoff. However, she didn't argue, somewhat knowing her limit, although her pride wanted to deny it. But sitting in Ace's arm was reasonably comfortable, the warmth of him against her skin proving her was indeed alive and was beside her, safe for now.

As Ace ran, Clementine was able to move her gaze over the battleground, her eyes filling with pain as she saw bodies of pirates littering the field. Comrades who fought to save her brother. However, the pain shifts to panic as she sees an angry red fist punch through running pirates.

The blonde's blue gaze shifts to fear as a shadowed figure walks through the large flames, the white and red uniform looking more evil than anything Clementine has ever seen.

"Running away the moment you grabbed Fire Fist. What a bunch of cowards, the Whitebeard pirates... The captain as well... It can't be helped. Whitebeard is after all, just a 'failure' from the previous era."

The words that leave Akainu's mouth are loud and clear, entering both Clementine and sadly, Ace's ear. Clementine's hand clenched onto Ace's forearm. But it does nothing, the nasty words from Akainu already making the hotheaded raven-haired man boil with anger.

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