Chapter XLIV: Conqueror's Haki

8.9K 401 52

Searching for Brothers: 44

Word Count: 2.8 k

Note: not edited so grammar mistakes are probably present

Third Person P.O.V.

A surprised frown spreads across the face of the man in the vibrant pink jacket. While he doesn't have visible eyebrows, if he did, they would have been raised up to his forehead. "Oops, perhaps I miscalculated." The Shichibukai shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly before breaking out into laughter as he watches the body he flung crumbled to the floor.

A small tsk leaves his mouth, realizing that the victim of his attack had hit her head in a certain way that made her unconscious. He eyed the body of the limp blonde for a split second before quickly losing interest, a small snort leaving his mouth. Doflamingo doesn't bat an eye as he steps over the body of Clementine, using his toe to kick her roughly to make her face up.

He eyed her for another moment before deciding that there was no more entertainment left for him, moving to finish her off as he raises his hand.

However, the blond man is quick to duck, barely dodging fiery blue wings that almost scorch the feathers of his clothes. Doflamingo jumped back with an annoyed scowl painted on his face.

"Marco the Phoenix," Doflamingo mutters in displeasure, his eye twitching behind his sunglasses. Doflamingo barely bats his eyes as the first commander of the White Beard Pirates quickly landed beside the unconscious female, gently picking her up.

Seeing Marco now by Clementine's side, Doflamingo raised both his hands up in a submissive manner, quickly losing the will to fight against the Mythical Zoan user. He releases a single chuckle before turning on his heel to look for another toy, completely dismissing them.

With Doflamingo gone, Marco released a breath he was holding, holding up Clementine's upper body. His hand patted Clementine's cheek with enough force that if she was only unconscious, she would have sprung up. But when he received no response, he released a string of curses.

Just as Marco begins to prepare to heal the blonde female, loud shouts make his snap up. At what he witnessed, his eyes went wide with disbelief and worry, his mouth going dry as a long sword was pierced through Whitebeard's torso.





It felt as if my body was crushed underneath Moby Dick, my limbs so heavy, I wouldn't have been surprised if they were cuffed with sea stones.

My mouth felt dry, throat raw, and every cell in my body crying out in pain as if they were getting torn apart little by little.

But surprisingly, it was silent. I wished it wasn't. Because it just made everything seem even colder and terrifying. Where was I? Why was I here? Why couldn't I move? Why did I feel like I had fallen into the ocean and dragged through it over 100 times?

I haven't felt this cold in forever.


No.... This wasn't cold.

No, it felt worse than the cold, it felt like it was coming from inside me. No, the feeling of snow on my skin, the cold breeze would have been better than what I was dealing with at the moment.

And it takes me another second to realize that it was fear that was making me feel cold. The dread made my stomach drop, the uncertainty and worry ran through my veins, making my vessels freeze.

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