Chapter XIII: Stopping a Hotheaded Brother

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The sky was gray, the clouds looking full as if they were going to cry at any moment. Even the waves seem to roar as they hit the side of the Moby Dick, the proud ship of the White Beard Pirates.

"Don't do it! Calm down, would you?!"

"The old man said this is a special case!!! You don't have to go after Teach!"

The men weren't strong enough to hold down Ace, the dark-haired man's arms flailing as he shook off them off of his body.

"Fucking hell, let me go! He was from my division, how can I let it go when he attacked one of us?!" Ace growled, veins popping on his arms as he tried to make space for him to grab the nearest boat.

Whitebeard who watched from the side sighed, his eyes narrowing on his second in command throw men around on the boat. "Ace... It's okay, just this once. I've got a strange, uneasy feeling about this..."

"HE TRIED TO KILL ONE OF HIS OWN AND RAN OFF! HOW MANY DECADES HAS HE SERVED YOU?! HE DISGRACED YOU AND RAN AWAY LIKE A COWARD!!" Ace screamed, his face becoming red with anger, "I can't just sit by, knowing he brought shame to our crew. I'll set things right, I swea—"

"Ace, fucking shut up."

The man froze, as well as the others who heard the chilling voice. Ace felt his blood run cold, slowly turning to face Clementine who sat on a crate beside Whitebeard.

Ace couldn't help but gulp nervously, suddenly feeling sweat begin to form on his temple. The blonde female's eyes were shadowed by the hat she wore, however, the dark aura she was releasing made the other crew members inch away from her.

Whitebeard himself look down of the small female in wonder, quite surprised at the bloodlust she was releasing.

"You fucking fool, do you think Thatch would want you to go after Marshal right now?" Clementine growled, her voice oddly calm. "He's currently fighting for his life. If you truly cared about your nakama, you'll stay on this ship and wait for him to wake up, not chase after that coward like an idiot!"

Hearing her yell, Roki who was sitting nearby shrunk, covering his ears with his paws as if to hide away from Clementine's anger.

Ace gritted his teeth, his whole body trembling. However, after a second his whole body sagged, the strength seeming to leave his limbs. With his head hung low, he dragged his feet to his cabin, the other crew members opening a path for him.

Ace hadn't heard Clementine use the tone she did in years. He could feel the anger bubbling just by hearing her speak. And to be very honest, it scared him. It was Sabo's death when he had last listened to the pure anger and agony in her voice, and currently, it was very close to what he had heard when he was a kid.

He wasn't dumb enough to deal with Clementine when she was in that mood. And without looking back, he closed the door to his room, deciding to sulk by himself.

A tired groan escaped Clementine's lips as she took her hat off, her hand massaging her neck. It was as if her mood did a 180-degree turn, the maliciousness suddenly disappearing from her body.

"I've never seen him calm down so quickly, yoi," Marco mumbled in amazement, eyeing the blonde female with wonder.

A silence fell over the crew, many of them looking down at their hands. Too many things had happened in a short amount of time.

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