Chapter XLVIII: A Thief

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Chapter 48: A Thief
Word count: 2.3 K
A/N: A bit  short.  but I'm like popping out a lot of chapter in short amount of time, so forgive me. Lmfao, I think I surpassed the number of chapter I published for SfB in 2019 already and its only April!


"Captain! Hurry!!!" The frantic shouts from the first mate of the Heart Pirates made Law look back, tearing his eyes away from the battleground of Marineford.

His eyes narrowed, eyeing the hoard of black creatures that stormed the land. He gazed at them in fascination, knowing who the creators was only from watching the televised battle in the submarine earlier.

"CAPTAIN!! PLEASE!!!" Bepo cried in panic, his eyes watering. The white polar bear in the orange jumpsuit held onto the door of the submarine with his paw, looking like he'll start weeping any moment.

Law cursed under his breath, pulling his eyes away from the monsters and letting his gaze glance at the red-haired yonko who stood in front of a female on the floor. For a second, he stared at the female in slight disappointment seeing as not everything was going according to his original plan. However, seeing that one of the yonko was protecting her for now, Law had decided it was good as he could get in this scenario.

The man with the goatee ushered past his first mate, grabbing a pair of gloves from his pocket as he entered his submarine, "we can go under now. The rest of you prepare for surgery!"

Bepo released a sigh in relief, finally being able to close the door shut. Seconds later, the Polar Tang submerged into the sea, barely escaping the water freezing around them and the light beams that rained upon them. 

Shanks watched the submarine disappear from his peripheral vision before facing the marines in front of him.

"If any more than is sought out for in this battle, pointless damage for both sides will only increase! However," Shanks pauses, his voice reaching those around him as he looked around, "if there are any guys out there who still want to go wild, then bring it on! We'll take care of every single one of you."

To emphasize the red-haired pirate's point, his crew all stood behind him, threatening aura oozing out of them. At the display of power, many marines were only able to step back in fear. They were all both mentally and physically exhausted from the battle and none of them wanted to fight a new batch of pirates in fine condition. Especially the crew of a yonko.

Seeing the obvious fear he caused towards the marines, the red haired man turned his attention to elsewhere, his eyes narrowing, barely hiding his distaste. "What do you say, Teach? Or should I call you, Blackbeard?" Shanks questions, his voice dropping a few octaves lower.

Blackbeard spat a mouthful of blood to the ground before cackling, the act showing that he was missing few of his teeth. "Zehahaha! You're more handsome than ever, 'Red-Haired.' Those scars look good on you..." The man comments spitefully. He seemed amused by the whole thing, continuing to laugh although the tense atmosphere hung over their heads.

In response, Shanks' eyes narrowed, his eyebrows furrowing. At the same time, the snipers from both sides raised their guns, aiming at each other.

Another moment of silence passed by before Blackbeard turned on his heels. "Zehahaha, about your offer, I'll take a rain check on that! I got what I wanted, besides..." The man pauses, a sick grin spreading across his face. "It's still early for our battle to happen...!! Zehahaha!!! Let's go, you bastards...!"

Shanks didn't look away until the Blackbeard Pirates were gone. However, when they disappeared, he slowly turned around, his crew splitting, opening space for him to walk. People watched in unease as the Grimsouls that were a protective wall around a certain female slowly backed off, opening a space for the man to walk, watching silently as he approached their master.

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