Chapter L: Stop It!

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Searching for Brothers: Chapter 50

Word Count: 2.6 K


I sat up on the crows nest, a thin blanket wrapped around me as I kept watch of the waters around us. The breeze bit into my cheeks, the subtle flesh turning a rose pink and numb. However, I paid no mind to it, keeping my eyes on the sun that was beginning to peak from the horizon in front of me.

At where the sky met the sea, a dark line of orange bled, gradually changing to yellow and light blue, and finally to dark blue of the night. Most men on the ship are still sleeping but I could tell Lucky Roo was already awake. The slight pang of the pots and pan along with the smell of coffee drifted in the air and the only person who really worked in the kitchen was the ship cook, Lucy Roo.

It shouldn't be long until the next person to be on watch duty comes up to rotate with me

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It shouldn't be long until the next person to be on watch duty comes up to rotate with me.

As if on cue, I hear a familiar voice call my name from below.

"Menti, good job! One of the apprentices will take over!" Yassop called out, a large yawn escaping the sniper's lips, tears gathering at the corner of his eyes.

I don't bother responding verbally, grabbing the rope and jumping down the crows nest and sliding down onto the deck.

The apprentice that stands next to Yassop is a scrawny little thing, looking up at me in astonishment, his lips parted in wonder. He couldn't have been older than fifteen with the roundness still present on his cheeks.

Yassop on the other hand, only raises an eyebrow before rolling his eyes. "You could have just come down the regular way," the man with the dreadlocks comments before roughly patting the shoulder of the boy beside him.

"Up you go. Holler if you see something unusual," Yassop explains, the boy nodding his head so fast that I worry that he might hurt his neck. I catch the young boy look at me from the corner of his eyes before his hands move to the ladder to climb up.

However, before he could, I called out to him. "I left my personal blanket up there seeing as it's still chilly out. You're welcome to use it, just make sure next time you have duty at night or morning, you wear more appropriate clothes. And afterwards, bring the blanket to Shanks' room," my words are soft, not being able to help but overlap the image of my younger brother to the boy in front of me.

The apprentice looks stunned, his eyes wide. However, he quickly snaps out of it, clumsily bowing his head. "T-Thank you, Miss Clementine! I'll make sure to bring it back in perfect condition!"

I don't have the time to reply as the boy scrambles up onto the crows nest.

Hearing a snort, I looked at Yassop who was responsible for the noise. The said man looked amused as he eyed me before roughly messing up my short lock. "Look at you, having a soft spot for little boys."

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