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Word count: 3.3k


It's been three months since Ace left our small island. And after three months, we finally hear the first news about him.

I hummed as I read the newspaper while sitting in the same tree I did with Ace after my biological older brother's death.

"Impressive..." I mutter as I read Ace's first bounty. And the name.... Fire Fist Ace....

My eyes stayed glued to his wanted poster in fascination. It really was him...

Ace was seen cockily grinning into the camera; his signature hat was on his head while a fire burned on his palm.

My older brother got his hand the sacred fruit of the Devil himself... Knowing him, he probably ate it thinking it was a typical fruit and didn't have a single knowledge what it actually was.

I laughed jumping off the tree, easily landing on the ground with a light thump. I shaded my eyes with my hand and looked up and stared up at the branch that I was sitting on moments ago.

Seven years really made our tree grow... The tree that Ace and I was easily able to climb has grown so tall, I could barely see our branch.

I laughed slightly and placed the newspaper in my coat as I walked through the silent forest.

I was happily walking when my right foot got caught on something, my arms flailing as I tripped and fell forwards. My hat flew in the air but safely landed back on my head where I laid face down on the ground.

I groaned in pain and laid there for a second. Eventually, I lifted my head up to see what was tangled to my feet.

My eyes widened in shock as I stared at the vine that got tangled to my feet. And on the vine was a strange looking fruit.

I immediately had an idea what it was. After the long seven years of living on this island, I know what kind of vegetation grows on this island. This fruit was definitely not originated from here....

The unrealistic almost poisonous looking color, the weird shape and pattern on its skin... Although extremely unlikely, the best describing thing I knew was an Akuma no Mi, a Devils fruit.

I carefully took the spiky blackish purple fruit into my hand examining it. Around the fruit, I could see small white dots that looked like seeds.

I quietly stared at the fruit, looking at it in concentration.  After a moment, I laughed shaking my head. I'm so stupid. There's no way a Devil's fruit would appear on this island which was located in the middle of nowhere.

However... If you think about it, Luffy did obtain a fruit on this island, although Shanks was responsible for it... And if this were really a Devil's fruit, me eating it wouldn't be bad, right?

I mean, both Luffy and Ace ate one....

There's even a possibility I'm over thinking this. It might not be even an Akuma no Mi.

With slight worry, I carried the dangerous looking fruit to my mouth and bit into it.

My nose scrunched up in disgust as the flavor hit my tongue. The fruit was crunchy and had a disgusting bitter taste to it. Forcing down the bile at the back of my throat, I swallowed the cursed fruit.

I looked down at the fruit I had in hand and gasped when I saw a completely different looking fruit. It looked normal now...

How in the world...

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