Chapter LXIV: Girl Talk

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Chapter 64

Word count: 2.5 K


"You know, staring at it won't make it disappear," the curly-haired brunette snickered as she rested her cheek on her hand with amusement dancing in her eyes. Ikkaku snorted as the blonde female scrunched her nose as she glared down at the small bowl that held multiple pills.

"Do I have to?" Clementine nearly whined, making a face as she imagined herself having to swallow all of those. She poked at one of the bigger pills, slightly gagging as it clicked against the ceramic.

Ikkaku shifted the hat she was wearing, tugging on the yellow fabric as she sat back, finding a comfortable position。 "If you don't, Captain won't be happy when he comes back. Your body is still recovering and still missing a lot of minerals and vitamins. Bepo told me you were still anemic. Have you even had your period recently?" As a fellow female, Ikkaku questioned.

At the corner of her eyes, Ikkaku watched as her fellow crewmates, who were hanging around, scrambling to safety after hearing their conversation. She rolled her eyes, finding their embarrassment and horror amusing as the solo female in the crew.

On the other hand, Clementine stayed clueless, not even realizing that she and Ikkaku were the only ones left in the kitchen. Instead, her blonde eyebrows knitted together. She was mentally calculating the days before frowning, realizing the woman she had gotten close to in the last few days was right.

Ikkaku sighed, already being able to tell the answer by just looking at Clementine's expression. "Are you sexually active, cause if you are, there might be a cha-"

"Not possible," Clementine doesn't even let Ikakku finish speaking, her cheeks dusting a light pink as she shakes her head.

At her reaction, Ikkaku raised an eyebrow before a Cheshire grin spread across her face. "Ohoho... I see I see.... I think we're gonna have to have some conversation between us girls, Miss Blue." The brunette giddy exclaimed, moving to grab the younger female before she could make an escape.

The blonde-haired female gulped, glancing at the door which was behind Ikkaku. Clementine silently wondered if she could slip past the woman but quickly decided it wasn't possible. Although Ikkaku may have been the sole female in this crew, she was as physically capable as any man. And Clementine knew she would be caught before she could even step out of the kitchen.

"Oi, this place is for eating. If you lasses are going to talk about that, take it somewhere else."

Both Clementine and Ikkaku looked at the door where a man with a gray bandana covering his face stood with his arms crossed over his chest. Just behind him, Penguin and Shachi peaked curiously. However, the two males squeaked as their eyes met with Clementine, ducking back behind the man who spoke.

"Aw, Uni, no need to be all grumpy. We're just having some fun," Ikkaku snickered as she hooked her arm with Clementine. "And, you know as well as anyone else that you men like bragging about your trysts whenever we dock on a new island. Let us ladies have our fun!"

On the other hand, Clementine had a faraway look in her eyes, finally accepting her fate where she wasn't going to escape Ikkaku.

Uni rolled his eyes as he pointed his thumb behind him. "Even as it is right now, these idiots won't shut up about Miss Blue. Don't make it even worse, I'm the one sharing a room with them," the curly-haired man complained as he sent a stink eye at Shachi and Penguin, who spluttered out a weak complaint.

"H-Hey! Why you gotta sell us out like that, Uni!"

Uni ignored the loud two behind him as he rolled up the sleeve of the white boiler suit he wore, "and it's about time I start getting ready for supper. Bepo mentioned Captain was probably coming back soon too."

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