Chapter XXXVIII: Whitebeard Pirates

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Searching for Brother: 38

Word count: 2 K


Every single person on the ship was bustling with work, preparing for the storm that quickly approaching. The air was heavy, no cheerful conversations exchanged as men sharpened their swords, others polishing their pistols.

There was no denying that everyone was tense, the usually cheerful crew silent as they worked.

A certain spiky blonde-haired man bit into an apple as he sat on a barrel, his expression souring at the taste of the unripe fruit. Unlike some of his other crewmates, his shoulder was relaxed, but that didn't mean he was feeling calm about what he had read in a newspaper a few hours ago.

"Hey, what is that?" One of the crew pointed to the sky in confusion, a look of fear appearing in their eyes. At his question, many of them looked up, their eyes widening as they see something shining in the sky, approaching them. Extremely quickly.

"What the—"

None of them were able to yell out a warning as the shining object in the sky crashed into the ship, making the whole thing shake as the impact made the water splash onto the deck.

"Pops!" Marco yelled out in concern, his apple getting sadly forgotten as he runs to the back of the ship where Edward Newgates sits, which also just happened to be where whatever was in the sky crashed.

The first commander of the Whitebeard Pirate freezes at the scene he witnessed, his eyes wide as he stares at his captain. At the large man's feet, Marco sees bloodied white fur, a large familiar beast unconscious as it lays on the deck where the wooden planks cave in into the shape of a paw.

"It seems like we've received a package," Whitebeard bemusedly comments as he gently holds an unconscious body in his arms, Marco immediately flinching as he sees the damage that litters the familiar girl's body.

The other commanders have rushed over by now, standing behind Marco in alarm, trying to understand the peculiar scene. The others are running around in a panic, thinking they were attacked, many of the men grabbing their weapons, ready to engage in battle.

"Someone go grab one of the nurses, my daughter and her companion are going to need immediate care," Whitebeard's loud yells puts the end to how his men scattered around in panic. It takes another second before they all comprehend their captain's word, someone rushing off to go to the infirmary





My mind first processed the unfamiliar beep, the sound annoying at first because of how high pitched it sounded. However, I realized what it was as I felt my heart accelerate in my chest, the beeping also becoming frantic to match it.

I wanted to open my eyes, I did. But it felt as if they were glued shut by crusts. And to make it worse, it seemed like I had no control of my limbs, my arms and legs feeling like dead weight.

A small groan escaped my lips as the banging headache slowly hits me along with my muscles that are sore, suddenly beginning to feel all the pain my body was feeling. It hurt to breathe, my chest, no, my ribs crying out in protest as my lungs expanded. My ankle that I twisted in battle throbbing along with few other places. It seemed the only place that really didn't hurt was my face, and I didn't know how to feel about it.

"You waking up, lass?"

I feel my lips part as I try to form words. However, before I can, I feel gentle hands help me sit up, something cold getting pressed to my dried, chapped lips.

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