CHAPTER III: We Will Live On

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I sniffled and let Ace lead me through the forest while holding my hand. I gripped onto his slightly larger hand tightly. It seemed and felt as if Ace was my lifeline to sanity.

The older boy who I knew as my other brother was the one who picked me up like puzzle pieces. He's making an effort to connect the destroyed pieces and prevent me from coming apart once again.

Eventually, I suck it up and stopped sniffling, proudly walking next to Ace. However, my hands still stay in his, embracing the comfort they provided me.

Soon the tree opened up and lead us to a familiar cliff.

Near the edge, I could see a small body laying on the green grass, face down in a fetal position. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, wiping my eyes so my younger brother wouldn't see me with tears.

I calmly walked up to Luffy who clenched his hat above his head as his shoulders shook.

"Lu-" I got cut off as Ace punched Luffy in the head harshly.

My mouth opened in shock as I looked at the freckled ravenette in disbelief.

Why would he...

"How long are you gonna lay there like that?" Ace questioned as he stood next to the sobbing for of Luffy.

Ace crossed his arms and stared at the sea, "we lost all the treasure we had hidden in the central forest. Sabo and Clemie couldn't use it in the end... So... I don't care about it anymore. It's no use hoarding treasure if we can't even protect it."

I silently sat next to the shaking form of Luffy. I looked out at the ocean as I wrapped my arms around my body.

"...Ace... Clemie, I...."

Ace and I both shared a look before looking at the younger boy with his signature straw hat.

I jumped in surprise as Luffy's sudden yell pierced the air.


I winced in pain and rubbed my ears that were ringing. My hands snapped over my ears as Luffy continued.


My blue eyes widened as I slowly pulled my hands from my ears, dropping beside me.

"Please.... Don't you die, too, Ace, Clemie...."

My eyes hardened as I raised my hand.

"Don't be STUPID!!!/ You IDIOT!!!" Ace and I chorused as we both slammed our fist to Luffy's head from either side.

"YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF FIRST!!!" Ace spat as he crossed his arm over his chest in anger and annoyance.

I nodded in agreement and scoffed, "you're weaker than both of us," I calmly state as I played with my bangs, taking a step away from Luffy.

Ace's expression softened for a second before he looked up, facing the ocean before us. "Listen Luffy! Clementine nor I'm not gonna die, don't you forget it!!!!"

The corner of my lips tugged up as Luffy sniffled and nodded, his straw hat covering his head, hiding his crying face from my gaze.

Ace sternly looked at the ocean while his arms crossed over his chest, "Sabo asked me to, so I promise I won't ever die!! How could I die and leave behind a weak little brother like you? And I can't leave poor Clemie to clean after your mess all the time!"

Luffy continued to nod his head while crying. I couldn't help the giggles from escaping my lips as I saw all the tears and snot run down the younger boy's face.

"Luffy," I start as I wrapped an arm around Luffy's shoulders, "I can never leave you alone in this world, I don't know how many times I'll have to get you out of trouble but I will as many times as I have to."

"Y-Yeah! Yeah....!" Luffy nodded as he continued to sob.

Ace looked down at me as he spoke, his freckles making him look more boyish with his smile, "I made a vow with Sabo, and we're still alive. So listen up Luffy. I will live a life without regret!!"

My thoughts suddenly went to my brother, his voice echoing in my mind, 'A Noble becomes a true Noble at 18, so I'll leave this country when I'm 17, and I'm taking you with me, Clementine.'

My heart clenched at the memory. Shaking my head, I listened to Ace as he scolded Luffy.

"Someday, I promise to set sail! I'll live however I want! Freer than anyone!!!"

Luffy sniffled loudly, without hesitation I pulled out a handkerchief from my still tattered dress and rubbed the cloth on Luffy's face muttering a "Chin..." (Translation: blow)

Hearing that Luffy blew out as I wiped the snot off his nose.

"That may make me a lot of enemies... Even Gramps will be my enemy!!! I'll be risking my life!!! But I'll set sail at 17! And we will become pirates!!!!"


I patiently watched as Luffy 'tried' to hit Ace with his Gomu Gomu no Pistol. Both Ace and my eyes widened as Luffy's arm stretched perfectly.

However, I sighed and shook my head in disbelief as Luffy started to spin at an incredible speed, not having full control over his ability.

Ace threw his head back and laughed, pointing a mocking finger at poor Luffy. "Ahahaha!!! What the heck? You can't even call this a fight! Rubber just isn't suited for fighting!" Ace started to teased Luffy who was becoming frustrated.

"SHUT UP!!!" Luffy yelled as he tackled he freckled raven-haired male.

I shook my head at their childishness and leaned against the trunk of a tree, quietly watching my two brothers fight.

"What, you think I'm wrong!? You can't even punch! Plus you can't swim!" Ace insulted as he budded heads with Luffy.

Luffy didn't back down either, not seeming to be dejected at Ace's insult, "don't make fun of the Gomu Gomu no Mi!!! I'm going to make you cry one day! I'm thinking of something even more awesome than the pistol!"

My eyebrow furrows in confusion as Ace and Luffy pointed at a rock and yelled.

"Sabo! You always go too easy on Luffy!!!" Ace yelled as he pointed at the rock.

"I knew it! I'm stronger than yesterday!!!" Luffy yelled in delight as he jumped up and down.

"Hey, Sabo...." Both Ace and Luffy trailed off, their excitement that they were feeling seconds ago disappearing.

Luffy's shoulder slumped as he sighed, "....Sabo was such a nice older brother...."

Ace's teeth grew sharp as he growled angrily, "what?! You'd rather it was me who died?!"

I sighed and shook my head. This was definitely not going a good way....


"Clemie... This is...?" Dadan questioned as she stood next to me.

I shook my head in annoyance as I ran my hand through my wavy blonde hair, "They had a fight...." I muttered, not being able to believe how childish my brothers were being.

Both Dadan and I shared a look before sighing tiredly.

Dadan threw her arm around my shoulder and groaned, "why can't those idiots be more like you? Calm and mature? Hell, sometimes I don't think you're even a kid."

I laughed lightly and shrugged my shoulders. My eyes drifted to the two small houses made by my brothers. On one board "ACE LAND" was written. On the other board "LUFFY LAND" was written messily.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

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