CHAPTER VII: The Red Haired Man and His Crew

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The blonde female tiredly sighed as she pushed her bloody umbrella into the sea water, washing off the crimson liquid that seemed to stain it.

She silently thanked that all umbrellas were waterproof. She was well aware that if it weren't, the cloth of the umbrella would absorb all the blood, and it'll be impossible to wash off.

As she opened the umbrella and placed it on the deck to be dried by the sun, she joined her partner that quietly sunbathed on deck.

The white-furred beast was stretched out under the sun, his muscles relaxed. Looking at him, you wouldn't think he was in a battle with a group of pirates mere minutes ago.

Using the beast stomach as a pillow, Clementine stared into the cloudless blue sky.

It's been already six months since she left her small island that she called home. Her first bounty of 40,000,000 berî has risen to 60,000,000 berî after she accidentally beat a marine Rear Admiral and a Commodore. Truthfully she wasn't sure how she did it.

As she recalled the memory, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.


Clementine was quietly eating a small meal when her ship suddenly rocked, barely missing the cannon that was aimed at her boat.

She slammed her fork down with annoyance as she walked right out, eyeing the large Marine ship that floated in the distance. Anger by her meal's disruption, she furiously glared at the rowdy group of marines who had their weapons prepared.

Seconds later all of them including the Commodore and the Captain dropped to the ground like flies, their eyes rolled back into their head as they foamed from their mouth.

Clementine freaked by the action quickly escaped the 'battleground' leaving the boat full of unconscious marines to be later found, making the news.


The blonde female ran her fingers through the soft fur of Roki's while her mind was wandering off.

A gentle breeze made her hair fly around slightly, she closed her eyes in pleasure, a small smile gracing her features. But a sudden attack on her face made her blue eyes snap open in shock. She spluttered as a paper stuck to her face because of the wind. She quickly pulled the paper away and looked at it in confusion.

Her eyebrows creased as she realized what it was.

"60,000,000 berî, The Blue Angel," she quietly read as she looked at the picture of herself petting Roki.

She still was confused how someone was able to take her photo. She had been positive that she had finished off everyone on the boat, but somehow her picture still got leaked, and she didn't even notice it. And she couldn't help but be slightly disappointed.

She had always imagined her first Wanted poster to be fierce and badass so people wouldn't mess with her. But, the photo in her hand made her look frail and weak.

Clementine sighed once again and looked at the wanted poster closer. Because of this wanted poster, people underestimated her. Just because of a damn picture...

She slowly stood up and looked at her compass that was connected to a chain around her neck.

A few days ago she finally arrived in west blue. The last ocean she hadn't searched yet.

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