Chapter LV: Until Next Time

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Chapter 55

Word Count: 2.8 k


The sky was clear, not a single cloud in sight, the perfect weather to set sail. Although it seemed like the Red-Haired Pirates were struggling to do exactly that when the two children refused to let go over the blonde woman that traveled with them.

"No! No! I don't want to! Clemie can't go! She's going to stay with us!" Mirabelle cried, Clementine, holding back a wince as the eight-year-old dug her nails into her legs.

While not clinging as much as his younger sister, Acel held the older woman's hand, sending a glare at Shanks. "Clementine can stay here and get married to me when I'm older. She can stay so you guys can just go ahead."

At his words, Shanks raised a single eyebrow up in amusement before he shifted his gaze at the blonde they were talking about. Clementine, in response, only sends the older male a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, kid, but you're a hundred years too early on trying to get together with her. And not to say but you're too young, you're just a brat. How are you able to keep a woman happy?" Shanks teases as he brought his hand up to show his thumb and index finger, making Acel bristle like a cat that was angered.

Clementine and the rest of the adults felt like there was a double meaning to Shanks' later statement, the young woman's cheeks flushing as she sent the man a stink eye. Shanks pointedly ignored it as if he didn't notice it, but a mischievous smile was on his face while his men all laughed, catching his sexual innuendo humorous much to Clementine's horror. Luckily, Acel and Mirabelle didn't understand it with their innocent minds.

"Why you! You're just an old man! What do you know? Maybe it's time you retire and stop playing pirate?" Acel spat back, which in result made Shanks ticked off.

Clementine held in the want to rub her temple. Shanks and Acel had built an interesting relationship during the month the Red-Haired Pirates resided on the island as they helped rebuild the village. Everyone could see that the blond boy did admire and respect Shanks for his strength, but it seemed like he liked to rile up the red-haired man. Which often led to him getting punched in the head and running off to cry to Clementine to snitch on Shanks.

As Shanks childishly had a verbal fight with Acel, Clementine gently untwined her hand from Acel and removed the tight grasp Mirabelle had on her leg. This led to both children sending her a look of betrayal and heartbreak.

She slowly crouched down, making sure she was at a level eye with the children in front of her. Both of them looked at her with teary eyes, Acel doing a better job at hiding it than his younger sister.

"Acel, Mirabelle, as much as I love everyone in the village and you two, this is not my home," Clementine spoke slowly, hoping that the children could understand.

"It could become your home," Mirabelle whined, a tear running out of her bright blue eyes, streaking down her cheek.

Clementine smiled, gently shaking her head as she reached forward, using her thumb to brush the tear away. "I already have a home, Mirabelle. My home is out traveling at sea. That's where I belong," the blonde woman pauses, her eyes narrowing on the two children fondly. She stayed silent for a while, her cerulean eyes gazing at them as if she was able to see something they couldn't.

Acel who saw this recognized that faraway look her eyes sometimes took when she stared at the sea or was thinking inside her head. At those times, Acel was never able to ask what she was thinking about because she looked so sad and weak, something very unlike her. He knew she'd brush him aside with a smile telling him it was nothing. And he knew it was because he was a kid.

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